(广东省深圳市气象局, 518040)
An Automatic Tracking and Recognition Algorithm for Thunderstorm Cloud Cluster (TRACER)
(Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory of Guangdong Province, 518040)
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投稿时间:2008-02-20    修订日期:2009-02-05
中文摘要: 基于高时空分辨率雷达资料的雷暴云团识别、追踪及预警技术是目前最重要的临近预报预警 技术之一。该文描述的雷暴云团边界相关追踪技术是一种新研究的方法,该方法是利用模式 识别技术进行云团边界识别、拓扑处理,建立云团生命时序与族谱关系,并在此基础上进行 雷暴云团外推的一种短时临近预报方法。该方法有三个主要技术环节:(1)对已预处理的 雷达数据进行边界识别;(2)利用四分树匹配分析因子、重叠因子、面积因子、外接矩形 因子、轮廓综合因子、局部相似判定因子等六个判断因子,分别识别出每个云团的时间序列 ,以及每个云团的运动方向、速度、面积、强中心,以及所处的状态(增强或减弱、膨胀或 缩小)等信息;(3)对云团的移动方向、速度、面积、强度进行线性外推。初步结果显示 该方法可较好地识别和外推预报雷暴云团。在此基础上建立的雷暴自动识别和追踪系统(简 称“追踪者”,TRACER),可以基于地图系统选取指定云团,获得云团空间位置信息、发展 轨迹、演变特征和未来预测,也可对云团预报结果进行定量分析和验证。
Abstract:The identification, tracking and early warning system for thunderstorm cloud clusters based on Doppler weather radar measurements is one of the most i mportant weather prediction techniques in weather nowcasting service. A newly de veloped automatic tracking and recognition system for thunderstorm cloud cluste rs (TRACER) presented in this study is based on pattern recognitions of cloud c lusters to identify and topoloze their borderlines to establish their lifecycles , and then to make short term predictions of their movements. This system incl udes three primary components: (1) identification of thunderstorm cloud clusters based on their bor derlines; (2) establishment of the ancestry of each thunderstorm cloud cluster using six distinct indices: quad tree, overlap, size, external re ctangle covering the cloud, pattern similarity, partial pattern similarity; and (3) linear extrapolation prediction of their propagation, speed, size, maximum e cho center and status (e.g., strengthening or weakening, and expending or shrink ing). Preliminary results demonstrate that this system can accurately identify and predict thunderstorm cloud clusters. In cooperated with a GIS system, TRACE R can display the geo location, trajectory, evolution of any targeted cloud clu ster and its predicted status. In addition, this system could be used to quanti tatively analyze and evaluate the predictions of any cloud clusters.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
Lan Hongping,Sun Xiangming,Liang Biling,Mao Hui,Zhang Wenhai,2009.An Automatic Tracking and Recognition Algorithm for Thunderstorm Cloud Cluster (TRACER) [J].Meteor Mon,35(7):101-111.