(广东省江门市气象局,江门 529000; 中国气象局广州热带海洋气象研究所,广州 510080; 广东省台山市气象局,台山 529299)
Convective Characteristics and Development Mechanisms of an Extreme Warm-Sector Rainfall in the Coastal Area of South China
PU Yiliang,LU Xushi,HU Sheng,LIU Xiantong,YE Langming,ZHANG Chu,LI Xiaohui
(Jiangmen Meteorological Office of Guangdong Province, Jiangmen 529000; Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology, CMA, Guangzhou 510080; Taishan Meteorological Office of Guangdong Province, Taishan 529299)
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投稿时间:2021-12-02    修订日期:2022-10-06
中文摘要: 2017年6月22日华南沿海经历了一次罕见的极端降雨事件(24 h最大累计雨量562.5 mm),刷新了当地多项历史雨量纪录。使用NCEP/NCAR再分析数据和多源观测数据,分析了这次降雨过程的天气背景、天气尺度触发和维持机制、中尺度环流的演变及雷达特征等。结果表明:这次极端降雨发生在暖湿偏南气流中,双低空急流相互配合产生的上升运动是此次暴雨主要的天气尺度触发机制,其中边界层急流的建立也为雨区提供了有利不稳定能量和水汽条件,整个降雨过程随着双低空急流结构配合的减弱而结束。降雨形成较弱的冷池出流边界在锦江南侧和岗美东南侧原地少动,并不断激发新生对流,使得对流云团在锦江和岗美地区准静止,从而产生极端累计降雨量。〖JP2〗整个降雨过程中对流结构表现出低质心的结构特点,对流成熟阶段锦江和岗美地区近地面平均雨滴粒径较为接近,锦江降雨效率高于岗美主要体现在更加密集的雨滴数量上。
Abstract:On 22 June 2017, an extreme warm-sector rainfall event hit the western coastal area of South China, during which Jinjiang Station observed a maximum cumulative rainfall of 562.5 mm in 24 hours which broke many local historical records. This paper analyzes the synoptic background, synoptic-scale triggering and maintenance mechanisms as well as evolution of the precipitation characteristics in this extreme rainfall event by using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and multi-source observations. The results show that this extreme rainfall occurred under the condition of the low-level warm and humid southerly airflow. The updraft movement caused by the double low-level jets was the main synoptic-scale triggering mechanism. The upper-level jet also provided favorable unstable energy and water vapor. The outflow boundary generated by weak cold pool maintained for a long time at the same place and continuously lifted the warm and humid unstable air, resulting in extreme cumulative rainfall. During the whole rainfall process, the convective structure showed a low centroid. In the mature stage of convection, the average particle sizes of near-surface in the Jinjiang and Gangmei areas were relatively alike. The rainfall efficiency of Jinjiang was higher than that of Gangmei, which was mainly reflected in the larger number concentration of raindrops.
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PU Yiliang,LU Xushi,HU Sheng,LIU Xiantong,YE Langming,ZHANG Chu,LI Xiaohui,2023.Convective Characteristics and Development Mechanisms of an Extreme Warm-Sector Rainfall in the Coastal Area of South China[J].Meteor Mon,49(2):201-212.