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投稿时间:2019-01-14 修订日期:2019-12-09
投稿时间:2019-01-14 修订日期:2019-12-09
中文摘要: 通过统计近3年广州强对流的回波结构特征,设计了由4部具有双线偏振功能的X波段相控阵天气雷达组网,覆盖广州中心城区。以期获得本地小尺度对流单体生消完整过程的精细探测资料,为对流单体生消机理分析提供数据基础,同时为分析城市冠层影响飑线等线状对流系统强度变化提供观测依据。观测试验表明:相控阵雷达网获取的高分辨率探测数据,监测本地生消的小尺度对流单体、线状对流系统的强度变化有明显优势,对预警信号发布等业务有很大帮助。不足之处是该相控阵雷达采取单波束扫描模式,加快扫描速度受到一定程度限制。
Abstract:Based on the statistical analysis of echo structure of severe convective storms in Guangzhou du-ring 2015-2017, a network of phased-array polarimetric Doppler radar has been set up, which can entirely cover the central district of Guangzhou. The main purpose is to obtain high-resolution radar datasets of severe meso- and micro-scale convections, which would be helpful for further analyzing structure and the formation, dispersal mechanism of these storms. Meanwhile, it could contribute to understanding the effects of urban canopy on the local meteorological field and the linear convection systems such as squall lines. The results of field experiment show that the high-resolution radar datasets from phased-array radar have great advantages in monitoring development of local meso- and micro-scale convections, and the evolution of local intensity of linear convection systems. It would greatly help to increase the accuracy and timeliness of early warning and other operations. The poor side is that the phased-array radar scans with a single beam, which makes it difficult to further accelerate the scanning speed.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
程元慧 | 广东省气象局,广州 510060 |
傅佩玲 | 广州市气象台,广州 511430 |
胡东明 | 广州市气象台,广州 511430 |
包晓军 | 广东省珠海纳睿达科技有限公司,珠海 519000 |
张羽 | 广州市气象台,广州 511430 |
李浩文 | 广州市气象台,广州 511430 |
黄辉 | 广东省珠海纳睿达科技有限公司,珠海 519000 |
CHENG Yuanhui,FU Peiling,HU Dongming,BAO Xiaojun,ZHANG Yu,LI Haowen,HUANG Hui,2020.The Guangzhou Phased-Array Radar Networking Scheme Set-up and Observation Test[J].Meteor Mon,46(6):823-836.
CHENG Yuanhui,FU Peiling,HU Dongming,BAO Xiaojun,ZHANG Yu,LI Haowen,HUANG Hui,2020.The Guangzhou Phased-Array Radar Networking Scheme Set-up and Observation Test[J].Meteor Mon,46(6):823-836.