(黑龙江省气候中心,哈尔滨 150030; 黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市气象局,齐齐哈尔 161006; 哈尔滨市气象局,哈尔滨 150001; 河北省廊坊市气象局,廊坊 131001)
Characteristics and Changes of Waterlogging over the Songhua River Basin in Summer
LIU Yulian,LOU Dejun,KANG Hengyuan,SUN Shuang,ZHOU Heling
(Heilongjiang Climate Centre, Harbin 150030; Qiqihaer Meteorological Office of Heilongjiang Province, Qiqihaer 161006; Harbin Meteorological Bureau, Harbin 150001; Langfang Meteorological Office of Hebei Province, Langfang 131001)
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投稿时间:2019-02-11    修订日期:2020-02-20
中文摘要: 利用1961—2017年松花江流域月降水数据计算Z指数,分析松花江流域夏季雨涝的气候学特征和年代际变化特征,及与气候系统指数关系,得出结论:松花江流域夏季干流区雨涝发生最多(30 a中有12 a发生雨涝),其次是嫩江上游(11 a),小兴安岭山地区雨涝发生最少(7 a)。小兴安岭山地雨涝强度最大(平均2.1 a-1),其次是第二松花江上游(1.8 a-1),张广才岭山地区(1.4 a-1)最小。松花江流域6月发生雨涝最多,8月最少;8月平均雨涝强度最大,7月最小。1961—2017年夏季和7月,嫩江下游雨涝减弱明显;6月小兴安岭山地区雨涝强度明显增强。松花江流域夏季的雨涝事件受前期大气环流和海洋因子影响。
Abstract:This article calculated the Z index by using the monthly 〖JP2〗precipitation data over the Songhua River〖JP〗 Basin from 1961 to 2017, and also analyzed the climatological characteristics and interdecadal variations of the summer rain waterlogging over the Songhua River Basin and the relationship with the climate system index. The results are as follows. Waterlogging tends to occur most in the main stream of the Songhua River in summer (12 in 30 years), 〖JP2〗then in the upper reaches of the Nenjiang River (11 years), and the least in the Xiao Hinggan Mountains area (7 years). However, 〖JP〗the Xiao Hinggan Mountains have the highest intensity of waterlogging (average 2.1 a-1), followed by the upstream of Songhua River (1.8 a-1), and in Zhangguangcai Mountains it is the smallest (1.4 a-1). The waterlogging occurs most in June in the Songhua River Basin, and least in August. The average rain intensity of waterlogging is the highest in August and the smallest in July. In the summer and July of 1961-2017, the waterlogging over the lower reaches of the Nenjiang River gets weakened significantly. In June, the intensity of waterlogging in the Xiao Hinggan Mountains increases apparently. The summer waterlogging events in the Songhua River Basin are affected by atmospheric circulation and oceanic factors during the previous period.
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LIU Yulian,LOU Dejun,KANG Hengyuan,SUN Shuang,ZHOU Heling,2020.Characteristics and Changes of Waterlogging over the Songhua River Basin in Summer[J].Meteor Mon,46(6):813-822.