(中国气象局河南省农业气象保障与应用技术重点实验室,郑州 450003; 河南省气象台,郑州 450003;河南省气候中心,郑州 450003;河南省气象服务中心,郑州 450003)
Diagnosis of the Frontogenesis and Instabilities in Two Continuous Autumn Torrential Rain Days in Henan Province
(Henan Key Laboratory of Agrometeorological Support and Applied Technique, CMA, Zhengzhou 450003;Henan Meteorological Observatory, Zhengzhou 450003;Henan Climate Center, Zhengzhou 450003;Henan Meteorological Service Center, Zhengzhou 450003)
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投稿时间:2021-06-20    修订日期:2022-04-06
中文摘要: 利用观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,对2011年9月河南省连续两个秋季暴雨日的锋生以及稳定度进行了诊断分析。结果表明,两个暴雨日期间,河南省中北部存在东北—西南向锋区,锋区呈准静止特征。两个暴雨日锋生函数的相似之处是,在强降水即将发生之前,锋区大部基本都呈现锋生;在强降水发生时,高层和低层锋生加强,但中层600~500 hPa锋生相对减弱,且400 hPa附近出现锋消,这主要是由于垂直运动加强所造成的;在降水减弱时段,锋消区和高层锋生区在高度上均略有下降,与垂直运动的减弱相对应。不同之处在于,第二个暴雨日夜间对流层中层锋区陡立,且锋生中心更靠近暖区一侧,这是由于降水的对流性增强,降水效率加大,凝结潜热释放增加所造成的。锋生函数各项所起的作用不同,对锋生贡献最大的是变形项,而倾斜项则主要起锋消作用,强降水发生时,400 hPa的强锋消中心就是倾斜项贡献的突出表现。两个暴雨日均为惯性稳定。第一个暴雨日对流稳定,但具有对称不稳定,因而强降水带是由对称不稳定的释放所造成的。第二个暴雨日在锋区700 hPa附近出现了对流不稳定与对称不稳定共存的现象,强降水带由对流 对称不稳定造成,夜间所产生的雷暴具有高架雷暴特征。因而,第一个暴雨日,锋区靠近暖空气一侧整体呈现为一致的倾斜上升气流,且锋生中心、对称不稳定中心与上升运动中心相伴出现,说明了锋生的存在为对称不稳定的释放提供了有利条件。第二个暴雨日,呈现出明显的倾斜对流与垂直对流混合的特征,强垂直上升气流的起点恰好就是对流 对称不稳定区,而且垂直上升气流远强于第一个暴雨日的倾斜上升气流,说明重力对流占主导优势。
Abstract:Based on the observational and NCEP reanalysis data, the frontogenesis and instabilities in two continuous autumn torrential rain days in Henan Province in September 2011 are diagnosed. The results show that there existed a northeast southwest frontal zone in north central Henan Province in the two torrential rain days. The frontal zone showed the quasi stationary feature. The similarities between the frontogenetical functions of two torrential rain days are that, before the heavy rain, frontogenesis was demonstrated in most parts of the frontal zone; in the occurrence of heavy rain, frontogenesis got strengthened in high and low levels but weakened in middle level of 600-500 hPa and frontolysis even appeared at about 400 hPa, which was caused by the strengthening of vertical motion. When the heavy rain got weak, frontogenesis in high level and frontolysis area both descended in height, corresponding to the weakening of vertical motion. The differences are that the middle tropospheric frontal zone was stiff during the night of the second torrential rain day, frontogenesis centers were getting near warm zone, which was the result of strengthening of convective rainfall and enhancement of precipitation efficiency and condensation latent heat release. The roles of terms of frontogenetical function were different. The contribution of deformation process to forntogenesis was the greatest; the role of tilting term was mainly frontolysis. The strong frontolysis center at 400 hPa during heavy rain is the distinct manifestation of contribution of tilting term. The two torrential rain days are both of inertial stability. The first torrential rain day was convective stable but symmetric instable, so the heavy rain band was the result of symmetric instability. On the second torrential rain day, convective instability and symmetric instability coexisted at about 700 hPa in frontal zone, so the heavy rain band was caused by convective symmetric instabilities and thunderstorms during the night were of the characteristics of elevated thunderstorms. Furthermore, on the first torrential rain day, there was consistent slanted updraft in the warm side of frontal zone; frontogenesis center, symmetric instability center and upward motion center appeared together, showing that frontogenesis provided a favorable condition for the release of symmetric instability. On the second torrential rain day, there was an obvious mixture of slanted convection and vertical convection; the starting point of vertical updraft was just the convective symmetric instabilities area. Vertical updraft was much stronger than the slanted upward flow on the first torrential rain day, indicating that gravitational convection is dominant.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
HE Zhe,ZHU Leilei,ZHANG Xia,WANG Li,WU Lu,XI Le,2022.Diagnosis of the Frontogenesis and Instabilities in Two Continuous Autumn Torrential Rain Days in Henan Province[J].Meteor Mon,48(9):1101-1115.