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投稿时间:2013-11-06 修订日期:2014-06-03
投稿时间:2013-11-06 修订日期:2014-06-03
中文摘要: 文章通过统计和分析大连地区1975—2004年30年过程降水≥5 mm的40个天气样本资料,总结了主要降水形势为大槽型、中纬度系统型、北涡型和南涡型4种类型;同时分析了2003年6—10月过程降水在5 mm以上的22个多普勒雷达观测个例,总结得出大连地区主要降水云系为层状云和积层混合云,且积层混合云多于层状云,表明大连地区更适宜开展火箭增雨作业,进而统计和建立了火箭增雨的雷达作业预警、决策判别指标模型;并研究了通过自然降水落区与社会需水综合分析确定作业区域的技术方法;根据雷达预警判别指标权重分析,侧重研究了作业车辆适时调度技术方案及业务流程,为火箭人工增雨科学、高效作业提供保障。
中文关键词: 火箭增雨, 流动作业, 技术与业务流程
Abstract:Through statistics and analysis of 40 precipitation processes (≥5 mm) from 1975 to 2004 in Dalian, four kinds of main precipitation weather situation were summarized in the paper, including large trough style, middle latitude system style, north vortex style and south vortex style. At the same time, 22 Doppler radar samples of rainfall processes (≥5 mm) from June to October, 2003 were analyzed. It is summed up that the main precipitation clouds in Dalian are stratus cloud and stratocumulus cloud, and the stratocumulus cloud is more than the stratus cloud, which indicates that the method of rocket rain enhancement operation is more suitable in Dalian. Then the radar operation warning and decision criterion index model is set up and the method is discussed to determine the operation target area by natural rainfall area and social water requirement analysis. According to the weight analysis of radar warning decision index, the paper focuses on the study of the vehicle second scheduling schemes and work flows, which can be a scientific and efficient guarantee for rocket precipitation enhancement operations.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
李红斌 | 1 大连市人工影响天气办公室, 大连 116001 |
张殿刚 | 1 大连市人工影响天气办公室, 大连 116001 |
张靖萱 | 2 大连市气象服务中心,大连 116001 |
赵繁盛 | 1 大连市人工影响天气办公室, 大连 116001 |
濮文耀 | 1 大连市人工影响天气办公室, 大连 116001 |
赵雅轩 | 3 大连市气象台,大连 116001 |
LI Hongbin,ZHANG Diangang,ZHANG Jingxuan,ZHAO Fansheng,PU Wenyao,ZHAO Yaxuan,2014.Techniques and Work Flow of Movable Operation for Rocket Artificial Precipitation in Dalian[J].Meteor Mon,40(10):1271-1278.
LI Hongbin,ZHANG Diangang,ZHANG Jingxuan,ZHAO Fansheng,PU Wenyao,ZHAO Yaxuan,2014.Techniques and Work Flow of Movable Operation for Rocket Artificial Precipitation in Dalian[J].Meteor Mon,40(10):1271-1278.