(国家气候中心,北京 100081)
Main Characteristics and Possible Causes for the Climate in China During the Spring of 2014
(National Climate Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2014-07-10    修订日期:2014-07-30
中文摘要: 2014年春季(3—5月),我国大部气温偏高,与2013年春季并列为1961年以来历史同期第二高值。全国平均降水量较常年同期略偏多,其中东北地区降水显著偏多。分析表明,东北降水偏多时段主要发生在5月2—28日,这期间较强的东北冷涡活动是导致东北地区降水偏多的重要原因,其水汽主要来源于东北冷涡从日本海带来的水汽以及偏强偏西的西太平洋副热带高压(简称西太副高)西侧的转向水汽输送。文章还初步探讨了2014年春末南海夏季风爆发偏晚的可能原因。2014年南海夏季风于6月2候爆发,是历史上南海夏季风爆发最晚年之一。导致其爆发偏晚的直接因素是西太副高在4月下旬至5月底持续偏强偏西。进一步的分析结果表明,西太副高在此期间的偏强偏西可能主要由热带印度洋海表迅速增暖所致。
Abstract:During the spring of 2014, the air temperature over most China was above normal and tied for the second highest with the spring of 2013 during the corresponding period in history since 1961. The mean precipitation over China was slightly above normal, with significantly more precipitation over the Northeast China. Analysis shows that more precipitation in Northeast China occurred during 2-28 May, which was mainly caused by the active Northeast cold vortex (NECV). The NECV led to more cold air activities and also brought abundant water vapor from the Sea of Japan to Northeast China. Meanwhile, the intensified western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), whose high ridge extended more westward, also brought more moisture from the western Pacific to Northeast China. In 2014, the South China Sea summer monsoon broke out on the 2 pentad of June, about 3 pentads later than normal, becoming one of the latest summer monsoons in history. The persistently strong and westward WPSH from late April to the end of May directly resulted in the later monsoon onset. Further analysis suggested that the strong and westward WPSH was possibly caused by the rapid warming over the tropical Indian Ocean.
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YUAN Yuan,LIU Yanju,WANG Yanjiao,WANG Pengling,2014.Main Characteristics and Possible Causes for the Climate in China During the Spring of 2014[J].Meteor Mon,40(10):1279-1285.