(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Synoptic Analysis on Forecast Error of Super Typhoon Muifa and Severe Typhoon Roke
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2012-04-06    修订日期:2012-12-12
中文摘要: 文章分析了2011年1109号超强台风梅花的路径和强度预报偏差及预报难点和1115号超强台风洛克在日本南部强度加强的原因,得出了一些实用的预报着眼点,具体为:对于呈东西排列的两个台风,两者之间的西太平洋副热带高压和赤道高压的南北向打通是西台风偏北分量将加大的明显信号,另外在业务中还应关注台风西侧大陆高压和东南侧赤道高压的演变情况;在台风强度预报方面,一方面当台风西北侧有高空槽或冷涡靠近,且对流层高层槽前伴有大于40 m·s-1的西南风急流时是台风强度加强的重要条件,另一方面,在不具备有利于台风增强的天气形势下,热带洋面的热力状况对台风强度的影响和海洋对台风活动的反馈均不容忽视。
Abstract:The track and intensity forecast errors of super Typhoon Muifa (No.1109) and the rapid intensification of severe typhoon Roke (No.1115) over south of Japan are analyzed in this paper and some practical forecasting points are obtained. The results show that the combination of NW Pacific Ocean subtropical high and equatorial high located between the two typhoons which row from east to west is an obvious signal for the typhoon in the west to move northward. The high over China mainland at the west of the typhoon and the equatorial high located southeastward of the typhoon should also be focused on in the forecasting process. In terms of the typhoon intensity forecast, upper level trough to its northwest approaching typhoon with southwesterly jet which is at the speed of more than 40 m·s-1 is a favorable condition for the intensifying process. In addition, in the synoptic situation unfavorable for the intensification of typhoon, the mutual effect between thermal status of tropical ocean and the typhoon is another key point in the operational intensity forecasting.
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ZHANG Ling,HUANG Yiwu,2013.Synoptic Analysis on Forecast Error of Super Typhoon Muifa and Severe Typhoon Roke[J].Meteor Mon,39(7):842-847.