(山东省气象台,济南 250031)
Fine Analysis on the Rainfall Distribution of Meridional Shear Line Heavy Rain
(Shandong Meteorological Observatory, Jinan 250031)
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中文摘要: 应用常规观测资料、NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料,对有静止锋和无锋面的两类经向切变线的暴雨落区从地面形势、高低空系统配置及冷暖空气的相互作用等方面进行精细分析,补充完善低涡、切变线类天气系统暴雨落区位于低涡东南象限的一般概念模型,以满足精细化预报的需求。结果表明:有地面静止锋配合和无锋面的两类经向切变线,在空间结构上有显著差异。由于有静止锋配合的切变线系统具有锋面结构,锋面抬升作用显著,暴雨的第一落区位于地面倒槽顶端;其次,由于冷暖空气相互作用阶段不同,在地面中尺度气旋发展成熟阶段,由于干空气侵入暖湿输送带上空,在静止锋前暖区中,出现暴雨第二落区。在无锋面配合的经向切变线过程中,地面不存在南北风交替的锋面系统,除了低涡东南象限较强的水汽辐合造成的暴雨区,850 hPaθe高值区、高比湿舌和弱水汽辐合重合的区域,由于潜在对流不稳定造成另一个暴雨区,且不需低空急流存在。
Abstract:Based on the conventional observational data and NCEP 1°×1° reanalysis data, two types of heavy rains in relation to the surrounding longitudinal shear lines with or without concomitant stationary front are investigated. The surface, high and low level synoptic configuration and interaction between cold and warm airs are carefully analyzed to supply the general conceptual model for the torrential rains in the southeast quadrant of the low vortex and to meet the requirement for refined forecasting. The results indicate that these types of shear lines with or without concomitant front are obviously different in the spatial structure. Because of the existing frontal structure in the shear line system that is accompanied by stationary front, the effect of front lifting is significant. And then, one of the favorable heavy rainfall zones is located in the surface inverted trough or the northerly airflow behind the surface low; another one is in the warm zone of the stationary front, resulting from the dry incursion above the warm conveyor belt during the phase of the interaction between cold and warm air, especially during the mature phase of the extratropical cyclone. On the other hand, during the meridional shear line heavy rain process without the accompanying of the stationary front, there is not the frontal system jointly affected by south winds and north winds so the extremly heavy rainfall appears in the southeast quadrant of the low level vortex. Another likely zone of so heavy rainfall is the overlap zone of the high θe tongue at 850 hPa, high specific humidity tongue and weak water vapor convergence that produce potential convective instability, without the infulence of the low level jet.
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SUN Xingchi,WU Wei,ZHOU Xuesong,GUO Junjian,JIANG Peng,2013.Fine Analysis on the Rainfall Distribution of Meridional Shear Line Heavy Rain[J].Meteor Mon,39(7):832-841.