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FY 3A三个通道资料反演水云有效粒子半径的研究
(1.湖北省气象服务中心,武汉 430074;2.中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081;3.南京信息工程大学,南京 210044;4.北京大学物理学院大气与海洋科学系,北京 100871)
Research on Effective Particle Radius of Water Clouds Retrieved from the Data of FY 3A Three Channels
(1.Meteorological Service Centre of Hubei Province, Wuhan 430074;2.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081;3.Nanjing University of Information and Science Technology, Nanjing 210044;4.Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871)
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投稿时间:2012-03-08    修订日期:2012-12-01
中文摘要: 基于水汽吸收波段云的反射率主要依赖于云粒子大小的原理,利用SBDART辐射传输模式和FY 3A极轨气象卫星可见光红外扫描辐射计(VIRR)的通道3(3.7 μm)、中分辨率光谱成像仪(MERSI)的通道6(1.64 μm)和通道7(2.13 μm)所提供的探测数据进行了水云有效粒子半径的反演和比较。发现,1.64、2.13和 3.7 μm三个通道均能定量反演有效粒子半径的大小,其中1.64和2.13 μm通道对大粒子的敏感性较高,3.7 μm通道在光学厚度较小时敏感性好。三个通道的有效粒子半径反演产品与MODIS有效粒子半径产品具有较好的相关性。
Abstract:Based on the principle that the reflectivity at a water (or ice) absorbing band primarily depends on cloud particle size, the comparison of effective particle radius of water cloud is made, retrieved from the data of channel 3 (3.7 μm) of FY 3A Visible and Infrared Radiometer (VIRR) and the data of channel 6 (1.64 μm) and channel 7 (2.13 μm) of FY 3A Medium Resolution Spectral Imager (MERSI) using SBDART radiation transfer mode. The results show that the effective particle radius can be quantitatively retrieved by any of the three channels of 1.64, 2.13 and 3.7 μm. The reflectivity of channel 1.64 and 2.13 μm is more sensitive to the larger particles while channel 3.7 μm shows better sensitivity when optical thickness is smaller. The retrieve product of effective particle radius of the three channels have better correlations with the effective particle radius products of MODIS.
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陈英英,熊守权,周毓荃,朱冰,毛节泰,2013.FY 3A三个通道资料反演水云有效粒子半径的研究[J].气象,39(4):478-485.
CHEN Yingying,XIONG Shouquan,ZHOU Yuquan,ZHU Bing,MAO Jietai,2013.Research on Effective Particle Radius of Water Clouds Retrieved from the Data of FY 3A Three Channels[J].Meteor Mon,39(4):478-485.