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(南京信息工程大学 大气科学学院/气象灾害省部共建教育部重点实验室, 南京 210044)
Temporal-Spatial Characteristics of Cumulative Snow Depth in Northeast China and Its Vicinity
(Department of Atmosphere Sciences, Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster of Ministry of Education, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044)
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投稿时间:2010-09-09    修订日期:2010-12-07
中文摘要: 利用东北及邻近地区1960—2006年123个地面测站逐日积雪观测资料和同时期气象要素资料,采用面积权重、EOF、小波分析和功率谱方法分析了东北全年及各季节累积积雪深度的时空变化特征,结果表明:近50年来东北及邻近地区累积积雪呈缓慢增加趋势,具体到各个季节上,秋季积雪趋势基本稳定,冬季积雪显著增加,春季积雪显著减少,年累积积雪的增加主要由冬季积雪的上升所造成。通过EOF分析,发现累积积雪深度有3个主要的分布型:第一型为全区一致偏多(偏少)型;第二型为南部多(少)北部少(多)的南北相反分布型;第三型为中部多(少)、南北少(多)型。小波分析和功率谱方法得出积雪深度变化存在7a的主周期和4a的副周期,且近年来周期有变短的趋势,说明积雪对全球气候变暖存在较好的响应。
Abstract:Based on the snow cover data and meteorological element data at 123 meteorological stations in Northeast China during the period of 1960-2006, the spatial and temporal characteristics of snow cover are analyzed by the area weighted method, empirical orthogonal function, Morlet wavelet analysis and power spectral method. The results show that the cumulative snow depth in Northeast China is increasing slowly in the recent 40 years. The cumulative snow depth is no obvious changes in autumn, increasing in winter, and decreasing in spring, in which the increasing cumulative snow depth in winter is the key factor to the increasing annual cumulative snow depth. We hold the opinion that there are three main spatial patterns of cumulative snow depth in Northeast China by using EOF method, of which, the first pattern is consistently more (less) than normal, the second pattern is a seesaw between southern (northern) region and northern (southern) region, and the third pattern is a seesaw between central region (other region) and other region (central region).There is a quasi period of 7 years revealed by Morlet wavelet analysis and power spectral method, its period displays a decreasing trend and has a good response to the global warming.
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CHEN Guangyu,LI Dongliang,2011.Temporal-Spatial Characteristics of Cumulative Snow Depth in Northeast China and Its Vicinity[J].Meteor Mon,37(5):513-521.