(1.国家气象中心, 北京 100081 ;2.中国气象科学研究院人工影响天气中心, 北京 100081;3.山东省人工影响天气办公室, 济南 250031;4.山西省大同市气象台, 大同)
Relationship of Cloud Top Heights Retrieved from Combination of FY-2C/D Geostationary Satellite Data and Other Observation Data and Radar Retrieved Echo Tops
(1.National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081;2.Weather Modification Center, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081;3.Shandong Weather Modification Office, Jinan 250031;4.Datong Meteorological Observatory, Datong 037010)
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投稿时间:2009-01-06    修订日期:2009-07-30
中文摘要: 对主要用FY-2C/D卫星并融合其他观测资料反演的云顶高度与多普勒雷达回波顶高的关系作了初步探讨。通过对20个主要由积层混合云和层状云造成的降水个例总数万个样本的统计分析表明,卫星反演云顶高与SA型号雷达回波顶高存在较好的正相关关系,两者的关系对组合反射率因子的大小不敏感。卫星反演云顶高与小于18 dBz反射率因子对应的回波顶高比与18 dBz回波顶高更接近,这主要是由于FY-2C/D卫星和SA型号雷达探测和反演的原理不同造成,卫星云顶高反映的是积层混合云和层状云顶部云粒子的辐射特性,而回波顶高体现的主要是云中下部较大降水粒子对雷达电磁波的衰减。
Abstract:A relationship between cloud top heights retrieved from combination of FY-2C/D geostationary satellite data and other observation data and radar derived echo tops is investigated. Tens of thousands of samples from 20 precipitation cases caused by cumuliform stratiform mixed and stratiform clouds are evaluated. It shows that there is remarkably a positive correlation relationship between satellite derived cloud top height and radar echo top. It is likely that the relationship is hardly dependent upon combined reflectivity factor. Cloud top heights mainly derived by FY-2 are more consistent with echo tops of less than 18 dBz reflectivity factor, compared with those of 18 dBz reflectivity factor because FY 2 satellites and SA type radars have different observational and retrieval principles. Satellite derived cloud top height represents radiation characteristics of cloud droplets in the top of cumuliform stratiform mixed and stratiform clouds, and meanwhile radar retrieved echo top implies ability that larger precipitation particles attenuate electromagnetic waves of radars.
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ZHOU Feifei,ZHOU Yuquan,WANG Jun,HE Zhengmei,2010.Relationship of Cloud Top Heights Retrieved from Combination of FY-2C/D Geostationary Satellite Data and Other Observation Data and Radar Retrieved Echo Tops[J].Meteor Mon,36(4):43-50.