(1.南京信息工程大学, 南京 210044;2. 江西省人工影响天气办公室, 南昌 330046;3.中国气象科学研究院, 北京 100081)
Analyses of Composite Observations of Cloud Liquid Water and Precipitation on the Evolution Features
(1.anjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044;2. Weather Modification Office of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang 330046;3.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2008-05-15    修订日期:2009-08-03
中文摘要: 利用IP/WVP 3000地基微波辐射计、多普勒雷达结合卫星及地面雨量计等多种遥感观测资料,对2007年6月30日北京地区的一次积层混合云降水过程的云液态水和降水的分布及演变特征进行了综合观测分析。分析表明:降水开始前,辐射计液态水含量有明显增加,地面降水的产生滞后于液态水含量增加一段时间,利用这种现象,可用于提前预测云系正处于降水产生的发展阶段,应用于人工增雨作业。在相同时间对同一位置进行探测的雷达和辐射计资料显示,雷达回波垂直分布趋势与辐射计液态水的垂直分布趋势有着较好的对应关系。此外空中液态水分布,特别是低层液态水的分布,与地面降雨的产生有着直接的关系。
Abstract:It was carried out a comprehensive observation and analysis of a mixed convective stratiform precipitation in Beijing on 30 June, 2007, by using IP/WVP 3000 ground based microwave radiometer, Doppler radar, satellite data, ground gauge and other observational data. The results showed that, there was a marked increase in the total liquid water content detected by the ground based microwave radiometer, before the start of precipitation. Precipitation lagged behind the emergence of liquid water content began to increase for some time. By use of that phenomenon, it may be early warning in the stage of the development of precipitation, and applied to artificial rainfall. It showed that the vertical distribution trends of radar reflectivity and liquid water content detected by ground based microwave radiometer had a good relationship, when detecting at the same time and same location. In addition, the distribution of the cloud liquid water, especially the low level liquid water, had a direct relationship with the ground rainfall.
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ZHANG Zhihong,ZHOU Yuquan,2010.Analyses of Composite Observations of Cloud Liquid Water and Precipitation on the Evolution Features[J].Meteor Mon,36(3):83-89.