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(1.天津市气象局,天津 300062;2.大连市气象台;3.大连市人工影响天气办公室)
Trend Analysis of Acid Rain Pollution in Beijing Tianjin Area
(1.Tianjin Meteorological Bereau, Tianjin 300062;2.Dalian Meteorological Obser vatory;3.Dalian Weather Modification Office)
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投稿时间:2008-03-28    修订日期:2009-03-03
中文摘要: 利用京津地区三个国家级酸雨观测站(北京昌平、上甸子和天津站)1993—2006年的酸雨资料 ,研究了京津地区酸雨空间分布及其季节特征,并利用M K统计分析方法研究了其变化趋势 。结果表明:京津地区的大气降水pH值有明显的季节变化特征,三个站点在冬季、春季和初 夏基本一致,酸雨频率秋冬高,而春季和初夏低。但三个站点的大气降水、pH值和酸雨频率 变 化趋势差异显著。其中天津站在1990年代初较为严重,但14年间天津站酸雨状况有改善的趋 势。昌平站降水pH值的M K统计量为-3.17,说明1993—2006年昌平站降水酸化趋势显 著,并 通过了95%的置信度显著性检验。上甸子站代表了京津的郊区,2002年以前酸雨状况有所改 善,2002年以后酸雨状况日趋严重。
中文关键词: 酸雨  酸雨频率  趋势分析
Abstract:The spatial and seasonal variation characteristics are discussed by using the data at three monitoring stations from 1993 to 2006 in Beijing and Tianjin. The Mann Kendall trend test was applied to examine the trend of ac id rain in recent 14 years.The results show that three stations have some resem bling characteristics, such as high level of pH value in autumn and winter,lo w lev el of pH value in spring and summer. However, the changing trend of three stati ons is very different. The acid rain frequency at Tianjin Station is serious at the beginning of the 1990s, but the state of acid rain has improved obviously recently. On the other hand, the value of M K method in Changping Station is -3.17,[JP2] indicating t hat the state of acid rain has deteriorated obviously[JP] during the last 14 years. As the suburb of Beijing, Shangdianzi Station was improved before 2002, but afterwards the state of acid rain has become increa singly serious.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
Xu Mei,Zhu Qinglin,Wang Lina,Zhu Yuqiang,2009.Trend Analysis of Acid Rain Pollution in Beijing Tianjin Area[J].Meteor Mon,35(11):78-83.