(湖南省人工影响天气领导小组办公室,长沙 410007)
The Cloud Physical Characteristics of Extreme Freeze Catastrophic Weather in Hunan Province and the Possibility of Suppression
(Hunan Weather Modification Office, Changsha 410007)
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投稿时间:2008-04-08    修订日期:2009-07-08
中文摘要: 我国南方2008年初的持续低温雨雪冰冻灾害造成了重大社会影响,湖南等省损失巨 大。利用常规气象资料分析天气成因,利用长沙高空气象探测站的L波段探空数据和地面气 象观测资料分析湖南雨凇天气的大气层结特征,利用人工增雨云系模式模拟其微物理过程。 结果表明:当锋面逆温具有较厚的融化层(或温度较高)和较薄的冷却层(或气温不太低) 构成“雨凇层结”时,就可形成雨凇天气;混合云降水是这次冻雨的主要降水机制,“三层 模型”和“雨凇层结”可以完整和全面地解释冻雨形成的机制与过程。在此基础上根据冰晶 效应和爆炸效应进一步对人工防冻雨的可行性进行了技术探讨。
Abstract:The unprecedented disasters of low temperature, persistent rain, snow and ice st orms occurring in early 2008 in South China have exerted a significant social im pact, which causes great losses in Hunan and other provinces. The weather reason was analyzed by using conventional meteorological data, the atmospheric strati fication of freezing rain weather in Hunan was analyzed by using the L band radi osonde data and ground meteorological data at Changsha Radiosonde Station, and t he microphysical processes were simulated by using weather modification model. T h e analysis indicated that the freezing rain weather would form when the frontal inversion having a thicker melting layer (or higher temperature)and a thinner cooling layer(or not too lower temperature)constitutes a freezing rain strati fication.Mixing cloud precipitation is the main precipitation mechanism of the freezing rain, the three layer model and the freezing rain st ratification could explain the entire mechanism and process of the freezing rai n formation completely and comprehensively. Further exploring the possibility of freezing rain suppression was carried out based on the ice crystal effect and explosion effect.
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Fan Zhichao,Gao Jilin,2009.The Cloud Physical Characteristics of Extreme Freeze Catastrophic Weather in Hunan Province and the Possibility of Suppression [J].Meteor Mon,35(11):84-92.