(1.黑龙江省大兴安岭地区气象局 加格达奇 165000;2.黑龙江伊春气象局)
Climate Characteristic and Change of Mohe Extreme Temperature
(1.Daxinganling Meteorological Office, Jiagedaqi 165000;2.Yichun Meteorological Office, Heilongjiang Province)
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投稿时间:2008-10-03    修订日期:2009-01-06
中文摘要: 采用相关系数法和对比分析法,分析了1963—2000年38年间中国最北部的漠河极端最低气温 和极端最高气温的气候特征及其气候变化。结果表明:漠河是中国最冷的地方,不仅在中国 气象史上创下了-52.3℃的极端最低气温最低极值,且每年极端最低气温都在-38℃以下;年 极端最高气温为38.0℃;极端气温年较差很大,最小为73.1℃, 最大为87.0℃,1980年代后 明显变小;极端最低气温总体变化不明显,但1990年代上升显著,10年间平均升高1.6℃; 极端最高气温总体变化显著,为升降交替变化,1970年代显著升高,10年间平均升高了1.6℃ ;1980年代明显下降, 10年间平均下降了1.1℃;1990年代上升,10年间平均上升0.7℃;年 极端最低气温出现在11月、12月、1月和2月,1月最多,占52%;年极端最高气温出现在5—9 月,7月最多,占47%;日极端最低气温多出现在4—7时;日极端最高气温多出现在14—16时 ;特别值得一提的是:漠河1963—2000年间1—12月的月极端最低气温都曾经出现过零下的 记录。
Abstract:Mohe is in the most north in China, the clima tic character and change of its extreme low temperature and extreme high tempera ture in 1963-2000 are analyzed by using the correlation coefficient method and c ontrast analysis method. The result shows that Mohe is the coldest place in Chin a, not only creates the record of coldest extreme low temperature, -52.3℃, but a lso the extreme low temperature of every year is below -38℃. The annual extreme high temperature is 38℃. Its annual range of extreme temperature is large, with the lowest of 73.1℃ and the highest of 87℃. In 1980s the annual range of extre me temperature tended to decrease. The overall change in the extreme low temperatu re is not obvious, but in 1990s increased significantly, with an average increase of 1.6℃. The extreme high temperature changes in a flu ctuation way, with an obvious increase of 1.6℃ in 1970 s and decrease of 1.1℃ in 1980s. The annual extreme low temperature occurs in N ovember, December, January and February. The annual extreme high temperature occ urs in May, June, July and August, and most in July. The daily lowest temperatur e occurs at 4:00—7:00, and the daily highest temperature occurs at 14:00—1 6: 00. It is worth to mention that the temperature below zero all happened in the e xtreme low temperature of December-January in the period of 1963-2000.
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Zhao Yujie,Chang Cheng,Bai Caiyin,Bian Hongjun,Wu Wei,Zhang Fujuan,2009.Climate Characteristic and Change of Mohe Extreme Temperature[J].Meteor Mon,35(3):94-98.