Analysis of temperature index on growth and development of broad bean
(1.Kunming Agrometeorological Station, Yunnan Province 650228;2.Kunming Meteorological Office)
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投稿时间:2007-10-16    修订日期:2008-03-19
中文摘要: 利用1971—2006年蚕豆单产统计资料,采用滑动平均的方法,计算每年蚕豆气象产 量,并以此划分丰、平、歉气候年景。以2001-2006年田间观测数据和生产实际为基础,确 定蚕豆平均生长发育期,分析蚕豆生长与日平均温度、日最高温度、日最低温度之间的关系 。通过研究得出蚕豆从播种到成熟的最适温度上限、最适温度下限、最适温度上限极值、最 适温度下限极值、受害温度、死亡温度,并以此为基础结合蚕豆生长期的其它气象因子,制 定蚕豆生长季气象服务决策表,为规范化、数字化的气象服务业务流程奠定基础。
中文关键词: 蚕豆  生长发育  温度指标
Abstract:Based on broad bean yield data from 1971 to 2006, the meteorological yield of b road bean was calculated by use of smooth average method and furthermore the cli matic harvest patterns were classified into high yielding year, mean yielding year, and low yielding years. By using the field observation data from 2001 to 2006,the mean growth period, and the relationship between daily mean temperatur e, daily maximum temperature, daily minimum temperature and growth of broad bea n was analyzed, and the temperature indexes of growth period of broad bean were determined, which include the upper limit of optimum temperature, lower limit o f lowest temperatures, extreme value of the upper limit of optimum temperatures, extreme value of lower limit lowest temperatures, the harmful temperature, the death temperatures of the development period from sowing to maturation of broad bean. On this basis, combining with other meteorological factors during the br oad bean growth period, the decision tables of meteorological service of broad bean growth season were established, which lay foundation for building the nor malized digi tal business process for meteorological services.
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Wang Pengyun,Zeng Yan,Li Wanchun,Tian Yan,Zhang Qiusheng,2008.Analysis of temperature index on growth and development of broad bean[J].Meteor Mon,34(5):94-100.