(山东省气象台,济南 250031)
Doppler Radar Features for a Wind Decreasing Event near Sailing Spots Caused by a Convective System
(Shandong Provincial Meteorological Observatory, Jinan 250031)
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投稿时间:2007-08-14    修订日期:2008-01-20
中文摘要: 根据青岛黄岛新一代天气雷达和浮标站等观测资料,对2006年8月青岛国际帆船赛期 间一次赛场风速突然减小的多普勒雷达特征进行了分析,以探讨雷达产品对地面风变化的指 示意义。结果发现,对流系统周围的环境风场存在较强的风垂直切变,在对流系统移动和发 展过程中,风切变层的高度发生了变化。当赛场附近近地面风切变层高度降低、切变层风速 减小时,赛场附近风速也减小;切变层升高后,赛场附近的风速又重新增大,表明近地面风 切变层的高度和切变层风速的大小对地面风速有影响。新一代天气雷达VAD风廓线产品可以 较好地
Abstract:With Huangdao Doppler radar products and the buoys data near sailing spots durin g Good Luck Beijing 2006 Qingdao International Regatta, a case that the wind sp eeds near sailing spots decreased suddenly is analyzed to study the Doppler rada r features for the change of the surface wind speed. Results show that there is a shear layer of the wind field around the convective system. The height of the shear layer changes with moving and development of the convective system. When t he height of the shear layer falls and the wind speed near the shear layer decre ases,[KG*4/5] the wind speed near the sailing spots also decreases.Afte r the shear layer rises,the wind speed near the sailing spots increases too. T his phenomenon indicates that the height of the shear layer can affect the wind speed near the surface. The Doppler radar VAD Wind Profiler products can reflect the vertical change of the shear layer and wind speed, which is a good indicato r of the change of surface wind speed.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金“山东东南沿海夏季海风精细特征的观测分析及数值 模拟研究”(40705017),山东省自然科学基金“多普勒雷达、卫星和自动站资料融合同化 技术研究”(Q2007E03)
Sheng Chunyan,Diao Xiuguang,2008.Doppler Radar Features for a Wind Decreasing Event near Sailing Spots Caused by a Convective System[J].Meteor Mon,34(5):89-93.