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投稿时间:2007-12-27 修订日期:2008-03-18
投稿时间:2007-12-27 修订日期:2008-03-18
中文摘要: 应用滑动平均模拟方法,计算了盘锦地区1977—2006年30年水稻趋势单产,并据此求算出气
Abstract:Moving average is applied to simulate the rice yield (kg·hm-2) of Panjin
region, Liaoning in the past three decades (1977-2006). On this basis, the meteo
rological yield in this period is estimated. A disaster year is defined as one w
ith a rice yield reduction rate higher than 5%. Then the risks of rice yield los
s in Panjin caused by natural disasters are comprehensively analyzed from aspect
s of the yield reduction probability, the coefficient of variation, and etc. The
correlation between rice yield and meteorological factors is also analyzed to f
ind out the key factors and disasters that affect rice yield. Results show that
the fluctuation of rice yield in Panjin decreases with the advancement in agricu
ltural production. Panshan county has a higher risk of rice yield loss than the
average level of the whole city. Heat condition is the main reason for fluctution of rice yield in Panjin, because data analysis shows significant correlatio
n betwee
n the yield of rice and the accumulated temperature of days with mean temperatur
e ≥10℃ from May to October, the monthly mean temperature of May and June, and
the mean maximum temperature of September. The major agricultural meteorological
disaster in May, June and September in Panjin is low temperature. This is in go
od agreement with the actual observation.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Jiang Hewen,Li Chun,Cao Shimin,Yang Wenyan,2008.Analysis of Risks of Rice Yield Loss Caused by Natural Disasters and Meteorological Factors Affecting Rice Production in Panjin, Liaoning[J].Meteor Mon,34(5):38-43.
Jiang Hewen,Li Chun,Cao Shimin,Yang Wenyan,2008.Analysis of Risks of Rice Yield Loss Caused by Natural Disasters and Meteorological Factors Affecting Rice Production in Panjin, Liaoning[J].Meteor Mon,34(5):38-43.