(1.广西区气象科技服务中心,南宁 530022;2.国家气候中心;3.广西区气候中心;4.广西区电力调度通信中心)
The Impact of Composite Meteorological Factors on the Electrical Load in Guangxi
(1.Guangxi Meteorological Science and Technology Service Center, Nanning 530022;2.National Climate Center;3.Guangxi Climate Center;4.Guangxi Electric Dispatching and Communication Centre)
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投稿时间:2008-01-30    修订日期:2008-04-09
中文摘要: 针对电网负荷易受多种气象因素影响的特点,为综合衡量气象因素对广西电力负荷的影响, 引入了气象学指数——有效温度,分析了4—10月气温、相对湿度、风及有效气温对电力负 荷的影响。结果表明:气温与电力负荷呈显著的正相关关系,气温是影响电力负荷的主要因 子;夏季以气温和风速、气温和相对湿度组合的变化对负荷的影响较大,风速从静风到有风 时,负荷明显地减少,但当超过一定的温度时,风速越大负荷反而增加;6—9月,负荷随着气温 和有效温度的升高呈线性增加;在春夏、夏秋季过渡季节,负荷并不完全随着气温的升高而
中文关键词: 综合气象因素  电力负荷  影响
Abstract:The meteorological index-effective temperature (ET) is introduced to evaluate th e impact of various meteorological factors on electrical load in Guangxi on the basis that the latter is heavily influenced by the former. Analysis on the effe ct of air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and ET on the electrical lo ad from April to October indicates that there is significantly a positive correl ation between the air temperature and electrical load, which implies that the ai r temperature is the main factor responsible for the variation of electrical loa d. Furthermore, in summer, the composite effect of the composite of air temperat ure and wind speed as well as that of air temperature and relative humidity on t he electrical load change is far larger than the composite of the relative humid ity and wind speed.The electrical load is linearly increased with the air temperature or the ET for June to September; whereas, the load is not fully incr eased with the ascending of temperature in the transition season of spring, summ er and autumn, in the stage of the temperature is not too high, the load has a d ownward trend with the increasing of relative humidity. However, when the temper ature is beyond a certain temperature, the load is increased with the ascending of air temperature and effective temperature.
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Zhong Lihua,Li Yong,Ye Dianxiu,Zhang Qiang,Kuang Xueyuan,Zhang Yuping,2008.The Impact of Composite Meteorological Factors on the Electrical Load in Guangxi[J].Meteor Mon,34(5):31-37.