The Mesoscale System Character Analysis of Far Distance Typhoon Haitang Rainstorm
(1.College of Atmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University, 730000;2. Puyang Meteorological Office, Henan Province;3.Atmosphere Observation Technology Center, CMA, Beijing;4.Puyang Meteorological Office, Henan Province)
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投稿时间:2007-01-15    修订日期:2007-06-25
中文摘要: 利用常规探空、加密地面资料、卫星云图和新一代天气雷达产品资料,对2005年7月22日台 风海棠倒槽形成的大暴雨天气进行诊断分析。结果表明:(1) 台风北伸倒槽与西风带弱冷空 气结合造成了这次大暴雨过程,是典型的中低纬系统相互作用过程。(2)倒槽东侧东南低空 急流从低纬海上为大暴雨区输送了丰富的热量和水汽,同时,在它的左前方成为强中尺度对 流系统发生的源地。 (3)高层反气旋的增强,加强了高空的抽气效应,使辐合上升加强,暴 雨增幅。(4)卫星云图上,团状的、密实的强中β尺度对流系统的形成和维持是造成短 时强 暴雨的直接原因。(5)多普勒雷达反射率因子场上,多条中尺度回波带的汇合使回波增强, 暴雨增幅。(6)暴雨发生期间,多普勒雷达径向速度场表现明显的水平风场的非均匀性, 表现为中低层大范围强辐合风场;风向的垂直方向不连续性,主要表现在风的垂直切变大, 风的垂直切变可以为对流云的发展提供动能,有利于大雷暴云的发展和暴雨的形成;逆风区 多次出现在风速较大的入流区中并做气旋性旋转北上与正速度区合并,逆风区附近及所经途 中出现强回波,暴雨增幅。
Abstract:By means of routine sounding and intensive surface observation data, satellite c loud pictures and new generation weather radar products, a diagnosis is performe d to the heavy rainstorm process induced by typhoon Haitang inverted trough on J uly 22, 2005. The results suggest that:1) This process is generated because northward inverted trough of typhoon Haita ng combines with weak cold air in we s terly belt, which is a classical reciprocity process between mid and low latitud e weather systems. 2) Abundant heat and vapor are transported from low latitude sea by the low level jet in the east of inverted trough, and the left to invert e d trough becomes the headspring of mesoscale system. 3) The intensifying high l e vel anticyclone enhances the pumping effect, which strengthens convergence of ai r and rainstorm. 4) In the satellite cloud pictures, it is seen that the direct cause of the heavy rainstorm is the genesis and evolution of conglomeration and close grained intensive meso β convective system. 5) In Doppler radar ref l ectivity field a lot of mesoscale echo belts converge, which induces the echo an d rainfall increasing. 6) During rainstorm, it is obvious non uniform in horizo n tal wind according to the Doppler radar radial velocity field, there is large sc ales intensive convergence in mid and low levels, and wind direction are discont inuous in vertical. The vertical wind shear can provide kinetic energy for the d evelopment of convective cloud, which is advantageous to large thunderstorm clou d evolution and rainstorm occurrence. The reversed wind appears in the inflow a rea many times, rotates northwards in the form of cyclonic rotation and merges w ith the positive speed area. The strong echo and rainstorm appear in the area a nd passing way of reversed wind.
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Li Gaiqin,Liang Haihe,Wang Shuwen,Wang Yunxing,Zhang Chunyun,Zhong Tianhua,2007.The Mesoscale System Character Analysis of Far Distance Typhoon Haitang Rainstorm[J].Meteor Mon,33(8):17-22.