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投稿时间:2006-12-04 修订日期:2007-07-06
投稿时间:2006-12-04 修订日期:2007-07-06
中文摘要: 利用灾后调查资料、常规天气图及永州多普勒雷达资料,分析2006年4月10日凌晨发生在湖
Abstract:The severe wind which took place in the morning of April 10, 2006 in Lij
iaping town, Shuangpai County, Hunan Province was analyzed based on the post di
saster inspection data, conventional weather data and Yongzhou Doppler radar dat
a. It shows that the severe wind was the first confirmed tornado in Yongzhou Cit
y in normal meteorological records. It was a supercell tornado, and had classica
l tornado hook characteristics in the radar base reflectivity. The strong vertic
al wind shear and thermodynamic instability resulted in a meso cyclone in the s
upercell. The convergence of on low and middle level atmosphere in the mesocycl
one resulted in the tornado finally.
keywords: tornado supercell hook echo vorticity equation
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Tang Xiaoxin,Liao Yufang,2007.An Analysis of a Tornado in Yongzhou, Hunan Province[J].Meteor Mon,33(8):23-28.
Tang Xiaoxin,Liao Yufang,2007.An Analysis of a Tornado in Yongzhou, Hunan Province[J].Meteor Mon,33(8):23-28.