(1.兰州大学大气科学学院, 730000;2.河南省气象台)
Mechanism Analysis of Rainfall in the Far Distance of Typhoon AERE
(1.College of Atmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University, 730000;2.Henan Meteo rological Observatory)
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投稿时间:2006-11-14    修订日期:2007-06-13
中文摘要: 应用螺旋度、湿位涡理论,计算1°×1°的NCEP再分析资料,对0418号台风 艾利造成河南东部大暴雨过程作诊断分析,探讨这次暴雨天气发生、发展的热力学和动力 学 机制。结果表明,台风倒槽外围的东南急流为暴雨提供了水汽条件和热力条件,台风倒槽顶 部的强辐合作用则是暴雨发生发展的动力机制;由于弱冷空气从低层侵入,暴雨区MPV1 由负 值转变为正值,导致了垂直涡度加强,促进了降水的发展。因此弱冷空气的侵入在一定程度 上增加了降水量;而925hPa垂直螺旋度大值带的移动和发展能示踪倒槽位置,又对暴雨落区 有较好的指示意义;暴雨发生时暴雨区处于负的MPV1大值区。
中文关键词: 台风倒槽  暴雨  螺旋度  湿位涡
Abstract:By using the helicity and moist potential vorticity (MPV) theory 1° ×1° reanal ysis data of NCEP was calculated to diagnose the heavy rain process of NO.18 Typ hoon AERE in the east of Henan. The dynamical and thermodynamic mechanisms of t his process' formation and development were discussed. The results show that so utheast jet in the typhoon inverted trough periphery supplied vapor and thermody namic conditions for the heavy rain. Strong convergence action on the top of typ hoon inverted trough was the dynamical mechanism of the rainstorm' happening and developing. Because of weak cool air intrusion in the low level the MPV1 o f ra instorm area turned from negative to positive, which led vertical vortexes to en hance and hasten precipitation developing. So the weak cool air intrusion increa sed the precipitation in some extent. Moreover, the moving and developing of big value band of the vertical helicity of 925hPa could dictate the place of invert ed trough and had better indicative meaning for rainstorm falling area. When the rainstorm happened the area was in the negative big value area of MPV1.
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Fan Xuefeng,Wu Zhen,Xi Shiping,2007.Mechanism Analysis of Rainfall in the Far Distance of Typhoon AERE[J].Meteor Mon,33(8):12-16.