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投稿时间:2007-01-05 修订日期:2007-04-12
投稿时间:2007-01-05 修订日期:2007-04-12
中文摘要: 利用吉木萨尔县1961—2005年历年日平均气温、最高(低)气温、降水量、日照时数、风速
等资料,分析该县45年年际、年代际、四季及近10年的气候变化特征。得出:(1) 吉
且近10年是45年中最暖的时期。(2) 45年来平均月最高气温变化不大;而月平均最低气温增
温明显,尤其近10年平均月最低气温达45年中的最高。(3) 45年全年降水量变化呈增湿趋势,
期。(4) 45年中任何时段的日照时数和平均风速变化均呈减少(小)趋势。对当地生态环
Abstract:By using the data of daily mean temperature, daily maximum and minimum
rature, precipitation, sunshine duration from 1961 to 2005, the inte
r annual, interdecadal the seasonal climate changes are analyzed. The results a
re as follows: Firstly, the annual and the seasonal temperature are rising in
recent 45 years, especially, the trend of temperature increase is the most remarkable in w
inter, and the recent 10 years is the warmest period. Secondly, the
change of monthly mean maximum temperature is not significant, whe
reas monthly mean minimum temperature is rising in the last 10 years. Thirdly, annual precipitation is in
creasing and its variability is 8.19mm/10a, and so does the precipitation in wi
nter and summer, but precipitation in spring and autumn are slowly decreasing. M
eantime, annual precipitation in recent 10 years is also increasing, the precipi
tation in winter is the largest but in autumn is the smallest. Finally, sunshine
duration and mean wind speed in each period are all decreasing.
keywords: climate change air temperature rainfall
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
基金项目:中国气象局气候专项(编号:CCSF2007 29)
Author Name | Affiliation |
Fu Weidong | Xinjiang Climatic Center, Urumqi 830002 |
Yao Yanli | Xinjiang Climatic Center, Urumqi 830002 |
Li Yingchun | Xinjiang Climatic Center, Urumqi 830002 |
Fu Weidong,Yao Yanli,Li Yingchun,2007.Characteristics of Climate Change in Jimusar County of Xinjiang for Recent 45 Years[J].Meteor Mon,33(6):96-101.
Fu Weidong,Yao Yanli,Li Yingchun,2007.Characteristics of Climate Change in Jimusar County of Xinjiang for Recent 45 Years[J].Meteor Mon,33(6):96-101.