(1.国家气候中心 北京 100081;2.国家气象中心)
Large Scale Circulation Characteristics Influencing Summer Precipitation in Beijing
(1.National Climate Center, Beijing 100081;2.National Meteorological Center)
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投稿时间:2007-02-26    修订日期:2007-04-08
中文摘要: 利用1951—2004年500hPa高度场、副高特征量及北京降水量资料,采用相关和合成分析方法 ,研究了夏季北半球500hPa环流异常与北京旱涝的关系。结果表明:北京夏季降水与副高强度和位置的 关系比较复杂,中高纬与副热带环流特征的各种配置会对北京夏季降水产生不同的影响。欧 亚中高纬环流出现欧亚—太平洋遥相关型,华北上空持续受高压控制;北京及附近地区处在 西高东低的形势下,持续受西北下沉气流控制是北京夏季少雨的有利环流条件。北京及附近 地区位于低压槽区或处在东高西低的下游“阻塞”形势,是北京夏季多雨的基本环流条件。 研究的结果为北京地区夏季旱涝预测提供了环流背景。
中文关键词: 夏季  降水  副高  中高纬环流
Abstract:With correlation and resultant analysis methods,the climate aspects between the tendencies of drought and flood in Beijing and the abnormities of 500hPa circul ations are analyzed, by using the data of 500hPa height fields, subtro pical high character fields and Beijing's precipitation. The results show that t he strength and the position of the subtropical ridge are not remarkably associa ted with the summer precipitation in Beijing, while the flow pattern collocation s between the mid high latitudes and the subtropics are. The drought summers of Beijing were associated with the tele connection pattern over Eurasian continen t mid high latitude (EUP pattern). In those years, anticyclone circulation preva ils in Northern China with ridge to the western side of Beijing. Beijing and near by regions are controlled by Northwest descending flow. On the other hand, a b lock high pressure in the down stream side of Beijing is the basic circulation c haracteristicsfor plentiful precipitation summers of Beijing. In those years, B eijing and near by regions are controlled by Southwest ascending flow in front o f trough. These results provide some knowledge on large scale circulation backgr ound for seasonal prediction of summer precipitation tendency in Beijing.
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基金项目:北京市自然科学基金“副热带高压中短期变异对北京夏季降水影响的机 理研究”(资助号:8042021)
He Min,Lin Jian,Han Rongqing,2007.Large Scale Circulation Characteristics Influencing Summer Precipitation in Beijing[J].Meteor Mon,33(6):89-95.