(1.南京信息工程大学资源环境与城乡规划系, 210044;2.中国大气本底基 准观象台;3.南京信息工程大学空间信息系;4.青海师范大学)
Study on Monitoring System of Qinghai Grassland Output Based on MODIS EVI Data
(1.Department of Urban & Rural planning and Resource Management in Nanjing Univ ersity of Information  Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044;2.China Global Atmosphere Watch Baselin e Observatory;3.Department of Spatial Information Science, Nanjing University of Informat ion Science & Technology;4.Qinghai Normal University)
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投稿时间:2007-02-06    修订日期:2007-03-20
中文摘要: 利用青海省22个 生态环境监测站在2003和2004年牧草生长季内各月所测的牧草鲜草产量数据,并搜集了该时 段内逐日的MODIS遥感数据,通过对图像的预处理,云区识别,植被指数的计算及月最大 植被指数的合成,形成了与牧草产量数据相对应的MODIS EVI数据。然后按牧草生长季和草 地类型建立了牧草鲜草产量与MODIS植被指数的关系模型。结果表明,牧草产量和MODIS EVI之间存在较高的相关性,用指数函数建立产量模型效果较好。按牧草生长季建立的牧草 产量检测模型比按草地类型建立的模型相关性要高。
中文关键词: MODIS  植被指数  牧草产量  监测模型
Abstract:Qinghai Province is one of five largest pasturing areas and ranks four th in China. It is of great importance to learn the growth status of grass in t ime to eco environment protection and sustainable development of stock raising. Based on the data of fresh grass weight per square meter from 22 eco environmen tal monitoring stations (which were established by Qinghai Meteorological Bureau in 2002) during grass growing season from 2003 to 2004, as well as the same p eriod of MODIS data, by preprocessing,cloud detecting, EVI computing and monthl y maximum EVI compositing, MODIS EVI data were obtained corresponding to grass output data. The relationship between grassland output and EVI was established a ccording to the grass growing season and grassland type. The results show that g rassland output have a good correlation with MODIS EVI, and it can be better des cribed by the exponential function. Furthermore, the grassland output model base d on the grass growing season is better than that of based on grassland type.
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基金项目:中国气象局推广项目(CMATG2005M42);科技部科技公益研究专项(2002DIBI0052) 共同资助
Yang Yinglian,Qiu Xinfa,Yin Qingjun,2007.Study on Monitoring System of Qinghai Grassland Output Based on MODIS EVI Data[J].Meteor Mon,33(6):102-106.