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中文摘要: 作者较详细地介绍了几种非实时地面气象信息的内涵及其相互联系,对各类信息进行了一番比较与评述,并为用户选择何种非实时地面气象信息提供了相应的参考意见。
中文关键词: 气象信息,地面,非实时,选择
Abstract:The substance and their correlation of some kinds of non-real-time surface meteorological information are discussed in detail. Based on experience, the comment on these information and comparison with each other are conducted and some advice on choice of favorable kind of non-real-time surface meteorological information for users are given.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1996.Remark on the Non-Real-Time Surface Meteorological Information[J].Meteor Mon,22(11):33-36.
,1996.Remark on the Non-Real-Time Surface Meteorological Information[J].Meteor Mon,22(11):33-36.