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中文摘要: 在以往的遥测地温仪与现用玻璃地温表的对比试验中,浅层地温的对比结果存在着很大差异,致使地温的遥测化受阻。作者采用了新的对比试验方法,得到了令人满意的结果,为遥测地温仪的推广应用提供了试验依据。
中文关键词: 遥测地温仪,试验结果,浅层地温
Abstract:In the past comparison tests of soil temperature in the shallow layer,there were obvious differences between soil temperature telemeters and routine glass soil thermometers. So it was difficult to use soil temperature telemetry. The good result is acquired in a new comparative tested way. It provides scientific basis for using the telemeter.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1996.The Comparative Test Results of Soil Temperature Telemeters[J].Meteor Mon,22(11):29-32.
,1996.The Comparative Test Results of Soil Temperature Telemeters[J].Meteor Mon,22(11):29-32.