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中文摘要: 用1951—1990年降水量资料,计算了我国华北东部地区的Z指数级别值,并分析该地区内干旱发生的气候规律。结果表明,该区干旱发生频繁且严重,有明显的季节和持续性特点,年代际变化大体上有20年振荡周期。
中文关键词: Z,指数,华北东部地区,干旱
Abstract:The characteritics of drought in the east of north China have been analyzed statistically with Z index by using the precipitation data from 1951 to 1990. The results show that drought occured frequently and severely in this area. The characteritics of drought are identified as seasonality and persistence,and quasi-20 years oscillation variation.
keywords: Z index, east of North China, drought
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1996.The Characteristics of Drought in the East of North China[J].Meteor Mon,22(11):37-40.
,1996.The Characteristics of Drought in the East of North China[J].Meteor Mon,22(11):37-40.