(中国科学院大气物理研究所中层大气与全球环境探测实验室,北京 100029; 中国科学院大学,北京 100049; 国家卫星气象中心,北京 100081)
Validation of FY-3C MWRI Total Precipitable Water Products
WU Qiong,DOU Fangli,GUO Yang,GU Songyan
(Key Laboratory of Middle Atmosphere and Global Enviroment Observation (LAGEO), Institute of Atmosphere Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049; National Satellite Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2018-09-10    修订日期:2019-10-31
中文摘要: 中国自主研制的第二代极轨气象卫星的首颗业务星风云三号C星(FY-3C)于2013年9月23日发射升空。微波成像仪(MWRI)作为FY-3C上携带的重要微波载荷之一,能够实现对大气、海洋和陆地的全天时监测。其中,MWRI海上大气可降水量(TPW)产品在数值预报模式以及气候变化研究中具有很重要的应用价值,但是应用效果的好坏往往受产品精度的制约。使用长达4年的卫星观测资料,通过MWRI TPW业务产品和无线电探空及专用传感器微波成像仪(SSMIS) TPW业务产品的比较,对MWRI TPW产品(包括轨道产品、日产品和月产品)的质量进行检验。结果表明,轨道产品和地面实际观测的探空数据的平均相对误差在7%左右,均方根误差为2.6 mm;日产品和SSMIS日产品的均方根误差约为3 mm,和探空日产品的均方根误差小于2.1 mm;月产品和SSMIS月产品的均方根误差小于1.3 mm。表明FY-3C MWRI TPW业务产品长期以来一直稳定运行且精度较高,具备实际应用潜力。
Abstract:FY-3C is the second generation polar meteorological satellite which was developed by China independently and launched in 2013. MWRI (microwave radiance imager) is an important microwave load which can monitor air, ocean and land. As a product of MWRI, TPW (total precipitable water) can be used in numerical weather prediction and climate research. But, the effect of the application relies on the accuracy of TPW. Based on the 4-year satellite observation data, the quality of TPW products is validated by comparing the TPW products with the radiosonde TPW or SSMIS TPW products. As a result, the RMSE (root mean square error) of orbit product is 2.6 mm and the average relative error is 7%. What’s more, the RMSE of day product is 3 mm and 2.1 mm when separately compared with SSMIS and radiosonde. The accuracy of month product is stable and the RMSE is less than 1.3 mm. Above findings show that FY-3C MWRI TPW products have a high precision and good stability, and have the application ability in weather and climate field.
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WU Qiong,DOU Fangli,GUO Yang,GU Songyan,2020.Validation of FY-3C MWRI Total Precipitable Water Products[J].Meteor Mon,46(1):73-79.