(国家气象中心,北京 100081; 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)
Forecast Difficulties and Model Performances in Typhoon Haikui (2311) Forecasting
WANG Haiping,ZHANG Ling,DONG Lin,XIANG Chunyi,XU Yinglong,NIE Gaozhen
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049)
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投稿时间:2024-04-02    修订日期:2024-09-13
中文摘要: 2023年第11号台风海葵在西偏北移动过程中,多次出现摆动,形成曲折的蛇形路径,其在登陆台湾岛前加强为超强台风级,进入台湾海峡后移动速度缓慢,再次登陆减弱后残涡维持时间长,降水持续时间长,累计雨量大。不同模式以及集合预报的不同成员对“海葵”登陆点和登陆强度的预报也存在较大的误差和不确定性,给预报订正带来极大挑战。使用ECMWF、NCEP及CMA确定性预报和集合预报资料分析了“海葵”的主要特点和预报过程中出现的主要难点:当模式对台风路径的预报在我国近海出现较大误差和分歧时,由于路径预报的不确定性也会影响极值强度预报,此时订正出现极大困难;台风穿越台湾岛进入台湾海峡后,受弱引导气流和地形影响,导致移速缓慢,其持续时间的定量估计存在偏差;台风登陆并减弱后,其残余环流维持时间、移动路径和降水影响的定量估计仍需更多研究。
Abstract:Typhoon Haikui (2311) moved west-northwestward and repeatedly wobbled, forming a serpentine path. It strengthened into a super typhoon category before landing on Taiwan Island. Then, it moved slowly after entering the Taiwan Strait. After it landed again, its residual vortex sustained for about 5 days, resulting in the long-time precipitation and large accumulated rainfall. Different models and different members of ensemble forecast also had large errors and uncertainties in forecasting the landing spots and landfall strength of Haikui, which brought great challenges to forecast correction. ECMWF, NCEP and CMA deterministic forecast and ensemble forecast data are used to analyze the main characteristics of Haikui and critical difficulties in the process of operational forecast. There exist large errors and differences in the forecast of typhoon track in the offshore waters of China, and the operational correction problems in the intensity forecast are affected by the uncertainty of the track forecast. Besides, it is difficult to quantitatively estimate the time of the typhoon’s slowly moving that was caused by weak steering flow and terrain influence after the typhoon crossed Taiwan Island and entered the Taiwan Strait. Moreover, it is also difficult to quantitatively estimate the time of typhoon’s residual circulation maintenance, track and precipitation influence after the typhoon made landfall weakening.
文章编号:     中图分类号:P458    文献标志码:
WANG Haiping,ZHANG Ling,DONG Lin,XIANG Chunyi,XU Yinglong,NIE Gaozhen,2024.Forecast Difficulties and Model Performances in Typhoon Haikui (2311) Forecasting[J].Meteor Mon,50(11):1331-1342.