(中国气象局·河南省农业气象保障与应用技术重点实验室,郑州 450003; 河南省气象服务中心,郑州 450003; 河南省气象台,郑州 450003)
Study of Characteristics of a Typical Regional Heavy Fog in Spring in Henan Province
XIAO Yao,SHI Yicong,LI Ning,XI Shiping,XIA Yicong
(CMA/Henan Key Laboratory of Agrometeorological Support and Applied Technique, Zhengzhou 450003; Henan Meteorological Service Center, Zhengzhou 450003; Henan Meteorological Observatory, Zhengzhou 450003)
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投稿时间:2023-01-27    修订日期:2024-07-22
中文摘要: 利用国家气象观测站资料对2021年3月11日夜间至12日白天河南省一次大范围强浓雾天气过程进行研究,重点分析了这次强浓雾过程的时间特征、爆发性增强特征及其成因。研究结果表明:这次强浓雾过程具有爆发性增强特征,统计40个典型强浓雾站点的爆发性增强作用时间在30 min以内,平均仅为9.5 min。雾前降水造成的高湿环境和夜间晴空辐射降温为强浓雾过程提供了重要的触发和加强条件;近地面大范围微风甚至静风是这次强浓雾过程爆发的另一个有利条件,近地面暖平流输送也是这次强浓雾过程爆发性发展和维持的重要原因。根据能见度变化划分了两种强浓雾爆发性增强类型,即跳跃爆发型和直接爆发型。风在两种类型中起到不同作用:在跳跃爆发型中,风会造成一定的湍流扩散,使得能见度剧烈波动;而在直接爆发型中,在风的作用下有暖平流输送,有利于强浓雾的发展和维持。
Abstract:Based on the meteorological data from conventional observation stations, a typical large-scale regional heavy fog process in Henan Province from the night of 11 to the day of 12 March 2021 is analyzed. The study focus is on the analysis of the time characteristics and explosive enhancement characteristics of the heavy fog process. The results show that this heavy fog process had the characteristics of explosive enhancement. The explosive enhancement time at 40 typical heavy fog stations was less than 30 min, with an average of only 9.5 min. The high humidity environment caused by the precipitation ahead of the fog and the clear-sky radiation cooling over night provided important conditions for triggering and strengthening the heavy fog process. Large-scale breeze or even calm wind near the surface was another favorable condition for explosive development of this fog process. In addition, the transport of warm advection near the surface was also an important cause for the explosive development and maintenance of the heavy fog process. According to the variation of visibility, two types of heavy fog explosive enhancement are divided, i.e., jump-burst type and direct burst type, in which wind played different roles. In the former, the effect of wind caused turbulence diffusion and affected the dramatic fluctuation of visibility, while the latter had warm advection transport under the action of wind, which was conducive to the development and persistence of the fog.
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XIAO Yao,SHI Yicong,LI Ning,XI Shiping,XIA Yicong,2024.Study of Characteristics of a Typical Regional Heavy Fog in Spring in Henan Province[J].Meteor Mon,50(10):1256-1267.