(山东省气象防灾减灾重点实验室,济南 250031; 中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室,北京 100081; 山东省气象科学研究所,济南 250031; 长岛国家气候观象台,山东长岛 265800; 山东省气象工程技术中心,济南 250031; 山东省临沂市气象局,临沂 276004; 厦门市气象局,厦门市海峡气象开放重点实验室,厦门 361012)
Observation Analysis of Dual-Polarization Radar and Raindrop Spectrum for Microphysical Characteristics of a Hailstorm in Mount Taishan
XIA Fan,WU Juxiu,SHEN Gaohang,PAN Jiawen
(Shandong Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Jinan 250031; State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081; Shandong Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Jinan 250031; Changdao National Climatology Observatory, Shandong Changdao 265800; Shandong Meteorological Engineering Technology Center, Jinan 250031; Linyi Meteorological Office of Shandong Province, Linyi 276004; Xiamen Meteorological Bureau, Xiamen Key Laboratory of Straits Meteorology, Xiamen 361012)
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投稿时间:2023-06-09    修订日期:2024-04-09
中文摘要: 为了研究雹暴的微物理特征,利用双偏振雷达和雨滴谱仪探测资料,结合粒子相态分类算法,对2020年6月1日发生在泰山的一次降雹天气进行了分析,获得了雹暴云影响泰山站时附近区域雷达参量、水凝物粒子、降水粒子谱分布特征。研究表明:雹暴云前缘开始影响泰山站时,反射率因子(ZH)梯度大值区紧邻泰山站,与差分反射率(ZDR)弧位置大致重合,此处主要为大滴粒子,由上空霰粒子融化形成;雨滴谱为双峰结构,对降水贡献较大的为2~3mm粒子。当雹暴云主体影响泰山站时,其前侧径向出现三体散射,上空出现悬垂回波,泰山站附近区域主要识别为雹粒子;泰山站南侧出现有界弱回波,该处辐合升运动增强,被ZDR大值半环绕,主要分布大滴与雹粒子,夹杂霰与湿雪粒子;归一化等高频率(CFAD)显示冰相过程增强;-10℃层以下雹粒子主要由-10~0℃层的霰粒子凇附上升气流携带的大滴与中小雨粒子形成,这些粒子无法下落碰并形成尺寸较大的降水粒子,雨滴谱变为单峰结构,对降水贡献最大的为14~16mm粒子。雹暴云主体离开泰山站,CFAD显示冰相过程减弱,冰晶凇附过冷云滴转化成霰的效率降低,泰山站上空识别出大量的冰晶与干雪粒子,出现层状云降水特征;雨滴谱再次变为双峰结构,第二峰值为2~3mm粒子,对降水贡献最大。
Abstract:In order to investigate microphysical characteristics in hailstorm, this paper uses the dual-polarization radar and raindrop spectrum data, as well as the hydrometer classification algorithm to analyze a hail event that occurred in Mount Taishan on 1 June 2020. The distribution features of radar variables, hydrometer and the raindrops in the region around the Mount Taishan Station are obtained when the hailstorm cloud passes through the Mount Taishan. The results show that when the front edge of hailstorm began to affect the Mount Taishan Station, the large gradient area of reflectivity (ZH) was next to the Mount Taishan Station coinciding with differential reflectivity (ZDR) arc position. The particles identified in ZDR arc were mainly composed of abundant big raindrops, which were formed by melting graupel particles over Mount Taishan Station. The structure of the raindrop spectrum was double-peak, and the greater contribution to precipitation was from 2-3 mm particles. When the main body of the hailstorm cloud influenced the Mount Taishan Station, there occurred three-body scattering echo in radial front of the station and overhang echo over the station. The particles in the vicinity of the station were mainly identified as hail. On the south side of Mount Taishan Station, there was the bounded weak echo region (BWER), where the convergent ascending motion was enhanced. The BWER was semi-surrounded by the large value of ZDR (ZDR ring), and the particles in ZDR ring were mainly identified as big drops and hail, mixed with small amount of graupel and wet snow. The contoured frequency by altitude diagram (CFAD) shows that the ice phase process was enhanced. The hail particles under the -10℃ were mainly formed by the graupel particles between -10℃ layer and 0℃ layer riming the big drops and light rain particles carried by updrafts. These particles could not fall and collide to form larger precipitation particles during this period. Therefore, the structure of the raindrop spectrum became single-peak. The most contribution to precipitation was made by 14-16 mm particles. When the hailstorm cloud left the Mount Taishan Station, CFAD shows the ZH corresponding to the high frequency region decreased, the ice phase process was weaken, and the efficiency of the cold cloud droplets attached to the ice crystals to convert into graupel was reduced. A large number of ice crystals and dry snow particles were identified above Mount Taishan Station, where the feature of the stratiform cloud precipitation appeared. The structure of the raindrop spectrum became double-peak again, and the second peak value of particles was 2-3 mm, which contributed more to the precipitation.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
XIA Fan,WU Juxiu,SHEN Gaohang,PAN Jiawen,2024.Observation Analysis of Dual-Polarization Radar and Raindrop Spectrum for Microphysical Characteristics of a Hailstorm in Mount Taishan[J].Meteor Mon,50(9):1129-1141.