(天津市海洋气象重点实验室,天津 300074; 天津市气象台,天津 300074; 中国民航大学,天津 300300)
Mesoscale Characteristics and Triggering Mechanism of Three Sudden Rainstorms Under Weak Synoptic Scale Background in Tianjin
WEI Yinghua,CHEN Hong,WANG Yanchun,LIN Xiaomeng,YANG Yang,FU Ning
(Tianjin Key Laboratory for Oceanic Meteorology, Tianjin 300074; Tianjin Meteorological Observatory, Tianjin 300074; Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300)
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投稿时间:2023-12-04    修订日期:2024-03-25
中文摘要: 利用ERA5再分析(0.25°×0.25°)、加密自动气象站、多普勒天气雷达和变分多普勒天气雷达分析系统等高时空分辨率资料,对比分析了2018年7月22日、2019年7月18日、2021年8月23日天津中心城区三次局地突发性暴雨过程的中尺度特征及其触发机制。结果表明:三次局地突发性强降雨均无明显天气尺度系统主导,但环境大气具备较高的对流不稳定能量和较小的对流抑制能量,抬升凝结高度仅0.2~0.4km,且低层均存在一定的湿层。局地突发性暴雨的发生与城市热岛及海陆下垫面特征差异造成的中小尺度系统有关,暴雨发生前天津中心城区与沿海地区之间的温差和气压差增大,中心城区附近温压场具有明显的非均匀分布特性,中尺度暖低压及其东侧的高温度梯度为局地对流发生提供了有利的中尺度环境条件。此外,暴雨发生前沿海地区均出现了明显的海风加强,城市热岛暖低压辐合与海风风速辐合共同作用使得中尺度辐合强度明显加强,是局地突发性暴雨发生的主要原因,初生的γ中尺度对流单体均位于地面强辐合中心边缘上空。
Abstract:Based on the high spatio-temporal resolution data such as ERA5 0.25°×0.25° reanalysis data, automatic weather stations data, Doppler weather radar data and the retrieval data from Variational Doppler Radar Analysis System, we comparatively analyze the mesoscale characteristics and triggering mechanism of three local sudden rainstorms in the urban area of Tianjin on 22 July 2018, 18 July 2019 and 23 August 2021. The results show that there was no obvious synoptic scale system dominating the three local sudden heavy rainstorms, but the ambient atmosphere had high convective available potential energy and low convective inhibition energy. The lifting condensation height was only 0.2-0.4 km, with a certain wet layer in the lower level. Generally, the occurrence of local sudden rainstorm is mainly related to the mesoscale system caused by urban heat island and different underlying surface characteristics. Before the three local sudden rainstorms, the differences in temperature and pressure between the urban area and the coastal area increased, and the temperature and pressure near the urban area had obvious nonuniform distribution characteristics. The mesoscale thermal low pressure and the high temperature gradient provided favorable environmental conditions for the occurrence of the local convection. In addition, before the occurrence of the local sudden rainstorm, the sea breeze in the coastal area was obviously strengthened. The converged thermal low pressure of the urban heat island and the converged sea breeze jointly made the mesoscale convergence intensity significantly strengthened, which was the main cause for the occurrence of local sudden rainstorm. The meso-γ scale convective cells were triggered at the edge of the strong convergence center.
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WEI Yinghua,CHEN Hong,WANG Yanchun,LIN Xiaomeng,YANG Yang,FU Ning,2024.Mesoscale Characteristics and Triggering Mechanism of Three Sudden Rainstorms Under Weak Synoptic Scale Background in Tianjin[J].Meteor Mon,50(9):1093-1104.