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(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Analysis of the September 2023 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather
HUA Wenli,ZHANG Fanghua
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2023-10-31    修订日期:2023-11-09
中文摘要: 2023年9月北半球大气环流的主要特征为极涡呈单极型偏向东半球,强度与常年相当,贝加尔湖以西的欧亚中高纬度环流经向度较大,西太平洋副热带高压较常年明显偏西偏强;我国北方大部地区受平直西风环流影响,而南方大部则受西太平洋副热带高压控制。9月,全国平均气温为18.2℃,较常年同期(16.9℃)偏高1.3℃,江南、华南等地出现高温天气;全国平均降水量为69.1 mm,较常年同期(65.3 mm)偏多5.8%。西北太平洋和南海有2个台风生成,较常年同期偏少;另有台风苏拉和海葵登陆我国,接连影响华南导致极端强降水,登陆个数接近常年同期。全国共出现6次大范围较强降水过程及2次强对流天气过程,江苏宿迁、盐城遭受多个强龙卷风袭击。
Abstract:The main characteristics of the atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere in September 2023 are shown as follows. The polar vortex was unipolar with the same intensity as normal, leaning towards the Eastern Hemisphere. The Eurasian circulation in the middle and high latitudes, to the west of Lake Baikal, was more meridional, and the Western Pacific subtropical high was significantly more westward and stronger than usual. Most of the northern part of China was affected by the horizontal westerly circulation, while most of the southern part was controlled by the subtropical high. In September, the national average temperature was 18.2℃, 1.3℃ higher than that of the same period of normal years (16.9℃), with high temperature mainly appeared in the south to Yangtze River and the South China. The national average precipitation was 69.1 mm, 5.8% higher than the normal value (65.3 mm). Two typhoons were generated in the Northwest Pacific and the South China Sea, which were fewer than those in the same period of the year. In addition, typhoons Saola and Haikui landed in China, successively affecting South China and leading to extremely severe precipitation. The number of landfall typhoons was close to normal. There were six extensive areal severe precipitation processes and two severe convective weather processes in this month. Besides, strong tornadoes hit Suqian and Yancheng of Jiangsu Province.
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HUA Wenli,ZHANG Fanghua,2023.Analysis of the September 2023 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather[J].Meteor Mon,49(12):1553-1560.