(国家气候中心,北京 100081)
Atmospheric Circulation Characteristics of Northern Hemisphere in Winter 2022/2023 and Its Impact on Weather and Climate of China
LI Xiang,WANG Yongguang
(National Climate Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2023-04-20    修订日期:2023-06-08
中文摘要: 2022/2023年冬季全国平均气温较常年同期偏高0.2℃,我国大部地区气温偏高;全国平均降水量较常年同期偏少24.6%,空间上呈现北多南少的分布形势。东亚冬季风标准化指数为0.25,较常年同期略偏强;西伯利亚高压标准化强度指数为0.47,较常年同期略偏强;冬季北极涛动指数为-0.6,“前负后正”的阶段性特征显著;西太平洋副热带高压强度指数为-45.6gpm,较常年同期偏弱;冬季欧亚大陆中高纬地区500 hPa为西高东低的环流形势,我国除华北、东北高度场偏低外,其余地区高度场偏高。冬季大气环流具有显著的季节内变化特征,12月为异常经向型环流,2月转为纬向型环流;对应冬季风也表现为前强后弱的变化趋势。北大西洋海温三极子(NAT)与乌拉尔山500 hPa高度场相关结果显示,8月、9月NAT与12月乌拉尔山地区高度场呈显著负相关,前期NAT异常负位相(正位相)有利于前冬东亚经向环流加强(减弱)。
Abstract:In the winter of 2022/2023, the average temperature in China was 0.2℃ higher than normal, and the temperature in most of China was warmer than normal. The average precipitation was 24.6% less than normal, showing a spatial distribution pattern of more in the north and less in the south of China. The standardized East Asia winter monsoon index was 0.25, slightly stronger than normal. The standardized Siberian high intensity index was 0.47, which was also slightly stronger than normal. The Arctic oscillation index of the winter was -0.6 with a significant phased characteristic feature of being negative in the earlier winter and positive in the later winter.The intensity index of Northwest Pacific subtropical high was -45.6 gpm, which was weaker than normal. In winter 2022/2023, the 500 hPa geopotential height field in the middle and high latitudes of Eurasia was high in the west and low in the east. The geopotential height field in North China and Northeast China was at a lower altitude, but the geopotential height field in other regions of China was higher. The winter atmospheric circulation had significant intraseasonal variation characteristics, with the strong meridional circulation in December 2022 and the zonal circulation in February 2023. The corresponding winter monsoon also showed the trend of strong in earlier winter but weak in later winter. Correlation analysis of sea surface temperature and height fields shows that there was a significant negative correlation between the North Atlantic sea surface temperature (NAT) in August and September and the height fields of Ural Mountains Region in December. The abnormal negative phase (positive phase) of NAT in the early stage was conducive to the strengthening (weakening) of the meridional circulation in East Asia in the earlier stage of winter.
文章编号:     中图分类号:P461    文献标志码:
LI Xiang,WANG Yongguang,2023.Atmospheric Circulation Characteristics of Northern Hemisphere in Winter 2022/2023 and Its Impact on Weather and Climate of China[J].Meteor Mon,49(7):881-891.