(河北省气象台,石家庄 050021; 河北省石家庄市气象局,石家庄 050081)
Observation and Analysis of a Cold-Air-Pool Process in Zhangjiakou Area for Winter Olympic Games
CHEN Zijian,LI Jiangbo,LI Xiliang,TIAN Zhiguang,DUAN Yuhui,WANG Zongmin
(Hebei Meteorological Observatory, Shijiazhuang 050021; Shijiazhuang Meteorological Bureau, Shijiazhuang 050081)
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投稿时间:2022-05-25    修订日期:2023-03-08
中文摘要: 利用冬奥张家口赛区系留汽艇探空、激光雷达和加密冬奥地面观测等新资料,以及ERA5再分析资料,对2020年1月15—16日的冷池(CAP)过程进行了场外观测,分析了冷池的温度、湿度、风场三维结构,构建了冷池建立、发展、维持、消散过程的概念模型。结果表明:此次冷池过程发生在弱高压脊控制、中层增暖、高空风速明显减小、天空少云、近地层微风的静稳天气背景下。冷池自傍晚日落开始逐渐建立,此时大气层结为中性,山谷东西两侧山坡形成较强下坡风携带冷空气在谷底堆积辐合产生上升气流,取代谷底原来的暖空气并将其抬升,逆温形成并快速向上发展,半夜前后,即日落约4~5 h后,冷池发展到300 m左右的高度,即山谷高度3/5处,其上300 m为等温层,即暖带。冷池在发展过程中,在逆温层下出现明显的东西风切变层,随着逆温层顶的不断升高,风切变层也逐渐抬高。午夜到日出前,冷池进入稳定维持期,逆温层顶高度和温度变化不大,冷池底部温度继续缓慢下降,此阶段下坡风和下谷风已不能渗透到谷底,降温主要是长波辐射降温。日出后4 h左右冷池消散,首先太阳加热山谷西坡,导致山谷中高层快速升温,之后随着太阳高度角升高,山谷东西侧山坡出现上坡风及上谷风,将谷底冷空气向东西两侧坡面及谷外输送,山谷中高层暖空气下沉,对流边界层下降,逆温自上而下消散,这和平原地区逆温自下而上消失有明显的差别。
Abstract:Based on the new data such as mooring launch sounding, lidar and surface densely observed data of the Winter Olympic Games in Zhangjiakou Area, the NCEP 0.25°×0.25° reanalysis data, and the field observation of the cold-air-pool (CAP) process from 15 to 16 January 2020, this paper analyzes the temperature, humidity and three-dimensional wind field of the CAP, and constructs the conceptual model of the formation, development, maintenance and breakup process of the CAP. The results show that this CAP process occurred under the background of stable-static weather with weak high-pressure ridge control, middle-level warming, significantly reduced wind speed in the upper air, less cloud in the sky and breeze near the ground. The CAP began to build up gradually from sunset in the evening when atmosphere was neutral, the strong fall wind on both sides of the valley slopes carried the cold air, stacked up and converged at the bottom of the valley, producing updraft and replacing the warm air in the valley, lifting it up. Temperature inversion formed and rapidly developed upward. Around midnight about 4-5 hours after sunset, the CAP developed to the height of about 300 m, which is about 3/5 of the valley height, 300 m above which was the isothermal layer, i.e., warm zone. During the development of the CAP, obvious east-west wind shear layer appeared under the inversion layer. With the continuous rise of the inversion layer top, the wind shear layer also gradually rose. From midnight to sunrise, the CAP developed into maintenance period, with little change at the height of inversion layer top and temperature, while the temperature at the bottom of the CAP continued to decline slowly. In this period, the down-slope wind and down-valley wind failed to penetrate into the valley floor, and the cooling was mainly of long-wave radiation cooling. The CAP break up about four hours after sunrise. First, solar radiation heated the western slope of the valley, causing the air in the middle and upper levels of the valley to heat up rapidly, and then with the increase of solar altitude angle, up-slope wind and up-valley wind appeared on the eastern and western slopes of the valley, transporting the cold air from the valley bottom to the eastern and western slopes and out of the valley. The warm air in the middle and upper levels of the valley sank, the convective boundary layer decreased, and the inversion dissipated from top to bottom, which was obviously different from the inversion disappearing from bottom to top in the plain area.
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基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2018YFF0300104、2018YFF0300101)和河北省科技冬奥专项(19975414D )共同资助
CHEN Zijian,LI Jiangbo,LI Xiliang,TIAN Zhiguang,DUAN Yuhui,WANG Zongmin,2023.Observation and Analysis of a Cold-Air-Pool Process in Zhangjiakou Area for Winter Olympic Games[J].Meteor Mon,49(6):708-720.