(中国气象局(河南)农业气象保障与应用技术重点实验室,郑州 450003;河南省气象台,郑州 450003)
Analysis on Characteristics and Causes of the July 2021 Extreme Rainstorm in Northern Henan
SU Aifang,XI Le,LYU Xiaona,CUI Liman,ZHANG Ning
(Henan Key Laboratory of Agrometeorological Support and Applied Technique, CMA, Zhengzhou 450003;Henan Meteorological Observatory, Zhengzhou 450003)
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投稿时间:2021-12-23    修订日期:2022-03-07
中文摘要: 利用探空、地面自动站、多普勒雷达等观测资料及ERA5再分析产品,对2021年7月17—22日豫北地区的极端暴雨过程进行分析。结果表明,极端暴雨过程具有强降水持续时间长、降水强度极端及地形影响明显等特征。极端暴雨过程发生于稳定的大尺度天气形势下,在日本海高压西伸及台风烟花(2106号)、查帕卡(2107号)西北行背景下,黄淮低涡外围加强北上的东南急流/偏南急流为强降水的发生提供了异常充足的水汽、能量条件,对流层中低层暖湿平流强迫、叠加地形影响的强动力辐合抬升作用及低空弱冷空气扩散南下是形成强降水的重要条件,而大气“强-弱-强-弱”的对流不稳定层结特征转化说明强降水过程中存在着两种互补的物理机制。不同阶段极端短时强降水(小时降水量≥50 mm)对流系统的形态结构和发展演变特征不同,但从雷达回波的垂直分布来看,系统均具有“低质心”特征,质心强度≥55 dBz且≥50 dBz强回波垂直伸展至5~8 km、持续时间1 h以上。强降水对流系统在太行山前30 km左右范围内的后向发展特征明显,一方面与地面西行偏东风/东北风在太行山绕流作用下形成的地形辐合线不断南伸有关,另一方面也与强降水冷池效应促使山前偏北风进一步发展南下有关。
Abstract:This paper analyzes the extreme rainstorm that occurred in Henan Province in 17-22 July 2021 based on the observations from radiosonde, automatic weather stations, Doppler weather radars, and the ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis data. The results show that this process had the characteristics of persistence, extreme rainstorm intensity and obvious topographic precipitation. The extreme rainstorm happened under the stable large-scale synoptic situation. When the high pressure in the Sea of Japan extended westward, and typhoons In-fa and Cempaka moved northwestward, the southwesterly/westerly airflow which strengthened northward in the periphery of the Huanghuai vortex provided abundant water vapor and energy for the occurrence of the extreme rainstorm. The warm-wet advection forcing in the mid-low troposphere, strong convergence and uplift under terrain influence as well as weak north low-level cold air were the important conditions of the extreme rainstorm, and the transformation of the “strong-weak-strong-weak” convective unstable characteristics indicated that there were two complementary physical mechanisms during the extreme heavy precipitation. The morphological structure and evolution characteristics were different in various stages of extreme heavy precipitation convection system (hourly precipitation ≥ 50 mm). In vertical direction, convective systems (CSs) of the short-time heavy precipitation showed the characteristics of low-mass center (stronger than 55 dBz), stretching thickness of the echoes greater than 50 dBz over 5 km, duration over 90-120 minutes. Short-time heavy precipitation CSs developed backward clearly within about 30 km in front of Taihang Mountains. Continuous southward extension of the topographic convergence line formed by the westerly easterly/northeasterly wind around Taihang Mountains was one aspect, and on the other hand further development of the northerly wind before the mountain due to the cold pool effect of heavy precipitation works too.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
SU Aifang,XI Le,LYU Xiaona,CUI Liman,ZHANG Ning,2022.Analysis on Characteristics and Causes of the July 2021 Extreme Rainstorm in Northern Henan[J].Meteor Mon,48(5):556-570.