(国家气候中心,北京 100081;南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心,南京 210044)
Climatic Characteristics and Major Meteorological Events over China in 2021
CHEN Yu,WANG Ling,ZHAO Junhu,ZHANG Yingxian,ZHAO Shanshan,LI Wei,ZOU Xukai,JIANG Yundi,SHI Shuai,HONG Jieli,HAN Rongqing,WANG Youmin,HOU Wei,ZHU Xiaojin,DAI Tanlong,CAI Wenyue,GUO Yanjun,ZHONG Hailing,WANG Qiyi
(National Climate Centre, Beijing 100081;Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044)
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投稿时间:2022-01-28    修订日期:2022-03-11
中文摘要: 2021年,我国暖湿气候特征明显,全国年平均气温为1951年以来最高,四季气温皆偏高;全国平均年降水量偏多,冬季偏少、春夏秋三季偏多。华南前汛期、西南雨季和梅雨季表现为开始晚、结束早、降水量少的特征,华北雨季、东北雨季和华西秋雨呈现开始早、结束晚、降水量多的特征,华西秋雨降水量为1961年以来最多。2021年,我国涝重于旱。汛期暴雨过程强度大、极端性显著,河南特大暴雨影响重,秋季北方多雨,暴雨洪涝造成的直接经济和人员损失偏重;干旱呈阶段性和区域性特点,影响总体偏轻;台风、风雹、低温冷冻害和雪灾等气象灾害损失均偏轻。
Abstract:In 2021, the annual climate anomaly was warmer and wetter in China. The annual mean temperature nationwide was 1.0℃ higher than normal, breaking the historical record since 1951, and the annual precipitation was 6.7% more than normal, ranking the 12th highest since 1951. The seasonal precipitation in spring, summer and autumn was above normal, but below normal in winter. The onsets of pre-flood rainy season in South China, rainy season in Southwest China, and Meiyu season were all later than normal, while the withdrawls of these rainy seasons were earlier than normal with deficient precipitation. However, the rainy season in North China and Northeast China as well as the autumn rain in West China all started earlier and ended later with abundant rainfall. The autumn rainfall in West China was the most since 1961. In 2021, floods were more severe than droughts in China. The torrential rain intensity in rainy season was very strong, featured with significant extremities. The extreme severe torrential rain in Henan Province caused serious life and property losses. Autumn rainfall in northern China was more than normal. The influences of drought, typhoon, hail and hale, frost and snow disaster losses were light.
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CHEN Yu,WANG Ling,ZHAO Junhu,ZHANG Yingxian,ZHAO Shanshan,LI Wei,ZOU Xukai,JIANG Yundi,SHI Shuai,HONG Jieli,HAN Rongqing,WANG Youmin,HOU Wei,ZHU Xiaojin,DAI Tanlong,CAI Wenyue,GUO Yanjun,Hailing,WANG Qiyi,2022.Climatic Characteristics and Major Meteorological Events over China in 2021[J].Meteor Mon,48(4):470-478.