(江苏省气象台,南京 210008;中国气象局交通气象重点开放实验室,南京 210009)
Uncertainty Analysis of Heavy Rain Belt Forecast During the 2020 Meiyu Period
SU Xiang,KANG Zhiming,ZHUANG Xiaoran,CHEN Shengjie
(Jiangsu Meteorological Observatory, Nanjing 210008;Key Laboratory of Transportation Meteorology, CMA, Nanjing 210009)
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投稿时间:2020-11-26    修订日期:2021-07-12
中文摘要: 针对ECMWF模式在2020年我国江淮流域超长梅雨期暴雨雨带预报中的不确定性,选取10个典型的狭长暴雨雨带,基于对象诊断方法(MODE)对雨带东西段的位置预报偏差、稳定性以及偏差的连续性等进行分析,并基于集合敏感性方法(ESA)分析揭示雨带典型偏差特征的关键天气系统。结果表明:雨带东段的预报不确定性总体高于西段,尤其是到了中期预报时效,预报不确定性进一步加强。短期时效内,雨带东西段均存在偏北的系统偏差,雨带西段的漏报率低于东段,稳定性和连续性均好于东段;中期时效内,雨带东段的预报误差增长较为明显,且纬度预报平均变幅也高于西段。集合敏感性分析结果揭示,500 hPa高空槽、副热带高压、850 hPa低空急流和切变线的预报偏差及它们与降水潜热之间存在的非自然正反馈共同作用造成雨带东段预报偏北,其中后半夜高空槽和低空急流的发展加强是出现梅雨锋暴雨雨带东段北偏的背景场特征之一。
Abstract:For the uncertainty of heavy rain belt forecast of the ECMWF model in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin in China during the extremely long Meiyu period in 2020, 10 typical long and narrow heavy rain belts are selected to analyze the location forecast bias, forecast stability and continuity of forecast bias using the method for object-based diagnostic evaluation (MODE). Ensemble sensitivity analysis (ESA) is also used to analyze the key synoptic systems which caused the typical forecast bias of the heavy rain belts. The results show that forecast uncertainty of the eastern part of rain belts is generally higher than that of the western part, especially during the medium range in which forecast uncertainty further strengthens. During the short range, both the western and eastern parts of rain belts have obvious northward systematic forecast bias. The forecast of the western part of rain belts has relatively lower missing rate, better stabil-ity and continuity than the eastern part. During the medium range, the forecast error of the eastern part of rain belts grows obviously and the average latitude variation of the eastern part is also higher than that of the western part. The results of ESA indicate that the northward forecast bias of the eastern part of rain belts is caused by the joint effect of the 500 hPa high-level trough, the subtropical high, the 850 hPa low-level jet, the shear line and the unrealistic positive feedback between them and precipitation latent heat releasing, of which the development and strengthen of high-level trough and low-level jet is one of the background characteristics of the northward forecast bias of the eastern part of rain belts.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
SU Xiang,KANG Zhiming,ZHUANG Xiaoran,CHEN Shengjie,2021.Uncertainty Analysis of Heavy Rain Belt Forecast During the 2020 Meiyu Period[J].Meteor Mon,47(11):1336-1346.