(中国气象局气象干部培训学院,北京 100081; 河北省衡水市气象局,衡水 053000)
Analysis of Moisture Source and Transport of Snowstorm in Hooked Cloud Area of an Occluded Cyclone
XIONG Qiufen,ZHANG Yuting,JIANG Xiaofei,ZHANG Yale
(China Meteorological Administration Training Centre, Beijing 100081; Hengshui Meteorological Office of Hebei Province, Hengshui 053000)
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投稿时间:2018-02-28    修订日期:2018-05-10
中文摘要: 利用常规高空、地面观测资料、FY 2E卫星云图和NCEP再分析场,分析了2013年11月25日发生在中国东北东部的暴雪天气过程,并用HYSPLIT模式模拟了暴雪区上空气块的轨迹。结果表明:卫星云图显示暴雪发生在锢囚气旋的钩状云区中,且具有中尺度特征。钩状云区不同代表点、不同层次25日08时120 h气块的后向轨迹计算结果表明,在每个代表点的6条轨迹中,只有1条轨迹来自新疆以西地区的对流层上层,其他5条轨迹均来自蒙古国或我国北方地区的对流层中低层。几乎每条轨迹对应的气块在东移或南移时先以水平运动为主,伴有弱的下沉;中低层气块在72~24 h经过渤海湾和日本海;而中上层气块则主要经过黄海或东海,到达降雪区前几小时气块移速快并有明显的上升运动。对钩状云区不同代表点1500和3000 m上空120 h后向轨迹中气块湿度分析表明,来自东亚大陆的气块水汽含量并不大、相对湿度也小于60%,但在经过渤海湾和日本海时,海气交换使得气块的含水量和相对湿度均呈增加的趋势;特别是气块途径日本海的时间和距离越长,水汽含量越多。因此暴雪区的水汽主要来自日本海,其次是渤海湾。在降雪发生前几小时,气块随偏南风或东南风快速北移,相对湿度接近饱和并伴有上升运动,从而引起降雪。
Abstract:The snowstorm that occurred with an occluded cyclone on 25 November 2013 was analyzed using conventional observations, FY 2E satellite images and NCEP reanalysis data. The 120 h backwrad trajectories ending at 08:00 BT 25 November 2013 were simulated with HYSPLIT model. The results showed that the snowstorm was located in hooked cloud area of an occluded cyclone with mesoscale features. Of the 6 backward trajectories at each release point, only one trajectory came from the upper troposphere over the region to the west of Xinjiang and 5 trajectories originated from the low middle troposphere over Mongolia or northern China. The air parcels along trajectory moved horizontally with weak descending towards eastern or southeastern regions. Then the air parcels in the low middle troposphere went through Bohai Sea and Sea of Japan during 72-24 h while the air parcels in the middle upper troposphere passed over Yellow Sea or East Sea of China. Finally all parcels went up to snow area in several hours. Sea of Japan was an important source of moisture and Bohai Sea was the second source with air sea interaction while air parcels from East Asia land contained less water vapour. The longer distance and persisting time in Sea of Japan, the more moisture of the air parcel. The air parcels with high specific humidity and relative humidity moving quickly with southerly or southeast winds resulted in the snowstorm event.
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基金项目:中国气象局预报员专项(CMAYBY2018 096和CMAYBY2016 092)、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目(91637105)及中国气象局气象干部培训学院项目(内2017 008)共同资助
XIONG Qiufen,ZHANG Yuting,JIANG Xiaofei,ZHANG Yale,2018.Analysis of Moisture Source and Transport of Snowstorm in Hooked Cloud Area of an Occluded Cyclone[J].Meteor Mon,44(10):1267-1274.