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概略坐标对GPS PWV解算的影响
(1 江西省气象灾害应急预警中心,南昌 330096 2 中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室,北京 100081)
The Effect of Approximate Coordinates on GPS PWV
ZOU Haibo1,2,YI Xueting1,SHAN Jiusheng1,YU Yingchun1
(1 Meteorological Disaster Emergency Warning Center of Jiangxi, Nanchang 330096 2 State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2016-11-07    修订日期:2017-07-18
中文摘要: 利用GAMIT 10.6和2016年第101天至第160天南昌站的GPS观测资料,开展了13组概略坐标变化对GPS PWV解算的影响研究试验(南昌站概略坐标设置以10 m等间距从0~120 m逐渐向西偏移真实坐标)。其结果发现:当概略坐标与实际坐标偏离在60 m以内时,概略坐标的变化对GPS PWV的解算影响不大(长基线的相对误差和均方根残差NRMS分别维持在5.7×10-9和0.24附近);但当概略坐标与真实坐标偏离超过60 m后,概略坐标的变化对GPS PWV的解算有着显著的影响,其中基线相对误差和GPS PWV与探空PWV的标准偏差随概略坐标偏离的增加而快速增大,NRMS和GPS PWV与探空PWV的相关系数也有明显的增加和减小,GPS PWV的成功解算日数则随概略坐标偏离的增加而快速减小(当偏离≥120 m时南昌无GPS PWV生成);概略坐标变化对基线相对误差、GPS PWV精度以及GPS PWV能否被成功解算的影响仅限于本站,某站概略坐标的偏离不会对其他站GPS PWV解算造成明显的影响。
Abstract:With the software of GAMIT 10.6 and the GPS observation data at Nanchang Station, a set of 13 tests about the influence of approximate coordinate on the solving of GPS PWV are carried out. The results show that when the distance between the approximate coordinate and actual coordinate is less than 60 m, the approximate coordinate has weak effect on GPS PWV. But when the distance exceeds 60 m, the variation of approximate coordinate significantly affects the solving of GPS PWV. The relative error of baseline and the standard deviation between GPS PWV and sounding PWV increase rapidly, while the days of successful solving GPS PWV decrease rapidly with the increasing of the distance (when the distance ≥120 m, the day is 0). Meanwhile, NRMS (normalized root mean square) and the correlation between GPS PWV and sounding PWV also has a significant decrease when the distance is more than 60 m. Additionally, the effects of variation of approximate coordinate on the relative error of baseline, NRMS, and the accuracy of GPS PWV only occur at local station.
文章编号:     中图分类号:P412    文献标志码:
基金项目:公益性行业(气象)科研专项(GYHY201506002),灾害天气国家重点实验室开发课题(2016LASW N11)和江西省科技厅项目(20171BBG70004)共同资助
邹海波,易雪婷,单九生,喻迎春,2017.概略坐标对GPS PWV解算的影响[J].气象,43(12):1547-1553.
ZOU Haibo,YI Xueting,SHAN Jiusheng,YU Yingchun,2017.The Effect of Approximate Coordinates on GPS PWV[J].Meteor Mon,43(12):1547-1553.