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投稿时间:2016-12-19 修订日期:2017-05-16
投稿时间:2016-12-19 修订日期:2017-05-16
中文摘要: 利用一整年的上海城区常规气象和地表能量平衡观测资料,驱动和检验了局地城市地表能量(水分)平衡模式(SUEWS/LUMPS)在上海地区的模拟能力,并对模式输入参数进行了部分本地化。模拟结果表明,SUEWS模式较好地再现了各辐射通量的日变化形态,对净辐射通量(Q*)中午日峰值低估约为25 W·m-2;模式对四个季节向下长波辐射通量(L↓)的日变化幅度均被低估,对向上长波辐射通量(L↑)的模拟明显优于L↓。SUEWS/LUMPS模式对感热通量(QH)各季节(春季除外)日峰值出现时次均有准确模拟,而对QH量值各季节均为低估;SUEWS模式在夏、秋季对白天潜热通量(QE)的模拟均优于LUMPS模式,而在冬、春季的模拟情况两者接近;SUEWS模式成功再现了储热通量(ΔQS)冬、春、秋季早、晚正负值转换时间,而在夏季滞后了2 h,模拟的ΔQS量值季节差异性较大。对模式误差随气温、风速及风向变化进行分析表明,在较高气温和较大风速下,QH、QE均表现为低估误差增大,而ΔQS则相反,表现为更显著地高估;风向的影响主要表现为模式未考虑东面密集建筑群而使得QH较明显低估约为-50 W·m-2,而西侧公园绿地的存在使得QH高估约15 W·m-2。
中文关键词: 城市地表能量平衡模式,辐射通量,湍流热通量,上海
Abstract:A surface urban energy (water) balance model (SUEWS/LUMPS) was driven by 1 yr field observations to evaluate the model capability in Shanghai urban area. The model input parameters were partly localized by field survey. The results show that the model can well reproduce the diurnal pattern of radiation components, the daily peak of net all wave radiation flux (Q*) was underestimated by about 25 W·m-2, the amplitude of the diurnal variation of the downward long wave radiation flux (L↓) was underestimated for all seasons, and the performance for upward long wave radiation flux (L↑) was much better than L↓. The occurrence time of the daily peak of sensible heat flux (QH) for each season (except spring) was simulated well by SUEWS, while the magnitude of QH for each season was underestimated. The performance of SUEWS model for latent heat flux (QE) in summer and autumn was better than LUMPS, but they were very similar during winter and spring. SUEWS model successfully reproduced the transition time of the sign of the storage heat flux (ΔQS) in winter, spring and autumn, but had a lag about 2 h in summer. The seasonal variation of the model performance for ΔQS was relatively large. Analysis of the model error dependency on a set of meteorological variables indicates that there was an increased underestimation of QH and QE and increased overestimation of ΔQS under higher air temperature or stronger wind speed conditions. The QH had an obvious underestimation by about -50 W·m-2 for easterly wind while overestimation by about 15 W·m-2 for the westerly wind was mainly the dense buildings over the east side and the green park over the west side was not considered by the model.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
敖翔宇 | 上海市气象科学研究所,上海市气象与健康重点实验室,上海 200030 |
谈建国 | 上海市气象科学研究所,上海市气象与健康重点实验室,上海 200030 |
刘冬韡 | 上海市气象科学研究所,上海市气象与健康重点实验室,上海 200030 |
王亚东 | 上海市气象信息与技术支持中心,上海 200030 |
胡平 | 上海市气象信息与技术支持中心,上海 200030 |
AO Xiangyu,TAN Jianguo,LIU Dongwei,WANG Yadong,HU Ping,2017.Evaluation of a Surface Urban Energy Balance Model in Shanghai[J].Meteor Mon,43(8):973-986.
AO Xiangyu,TAN Jianguo,LIU Dongwei,WANG Yadong,HU Ping,2017.Evaluation of a Surface Urban Energy Balance Model in Shanghai[J].Meteor Mon,43(8):973-986.