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投稿时间:2015-04-30 修订日期:2016-09-13
投稿时间:2015-04-30 修订日期:2016-09-13
中文摘要: 利用2000—2011年广西5个农业气象试验站的甘蔗生育期及同期气象观测资料,分析了宿根蔗生长发育变化特征及不同生育期气象条件差异及对宿根蔗生长发育的影响。结果表明:(1)2000—2011年广西宿根蔗发株期呈波动推后趋势,延后约2.5 d·a-1。发株—茎伸长、全生育期间隔天数均呈明显缩短趋势,分别约约为2.9、2.7 d·a-1。发株—茎伸长期间隔天数年际波动较大,变幅约15 d(16%),但茎伸长—工艺成熟期间隔天数年际变化稳定,变幅仅为4 d(3%)。宿根蔗最大茎高呈逐年上升趋势,增幅为5.3 cm·a-1,单茎鲜重呈明显上升趋势,增幅为64.4 g·a-1。(2)宿根蔗全生育期相对湿度呈逐年下降约0.38%·a-1;发株—茎伸长期间日照时数呈逐年下降约10 h·a-1。各生育期最低气温、降水量年际变化较大,平均气温、相对湿度年际变化较小,其中发株—茎伸长期气象条件的年际变幅明显大于茎伸长-工艺成熟期和全生育期。(3)气温升高缩短了宿根蔗生育期,但最低气温、平均气温、最高气温与最大茎高和鲜重均无显著关系。降水量对宿根蔗的发株—茎伸长、全生育期调控作用非常显著,但其对宿根蔗茎伸长—工艺成熟期作用不明显。日照时数对宿根蔗各个生育期发育天数的延长或缩短作用不明显,但在发株—茎伸长期,由日照时数的减少形成的较湿润条件对宿根蔗生长更有利。
中文关键词: 甘蔗,宿根蔗,生长发育,气象因子
Abstract:In this paper, sugarcane observation data and meteorological data of five agrometeorological experimental stations in Guangxi are used to analyze the growth and development characteristics of ratooning cane, meteorological condition differences in different growing stages and its relationship with sugarcane’s growth and development. The results show that: (1) From 2000 to 2011, the emergence date of ratooning cane delays about 2.5 d·a-1; the duration from emergence to stem elongation shortens about 2.9 d·a-1 and 2.7 d·a-1 for the whole growing period; interannual fluctuation of duration from emergence to stem elongation is bigger than the period from stem elongation to maturity, about 15 d (16%) and 4 d (3%) respectively; the maximum stalk height increases about 5.3 cm·a-1 and single stem fresh weight increases about 64.4 g·a-1. (2) Relative humidity of the whole growth period declines about 0.38% every year; sunshine hours in the emergence to stem elongation stage descends 10 h·a-1. For each stage, the interannual variation of minimum temperature and precipitation is big while that of mean temperature and relative humidity is small. The variation of meteorological factors from emergence to stem elongation is higher than those from stem elongation to maturity and in the whole growing period. (3) Rising temperature shortens the ratooning sugarcane growing period obviously, but there is no significant relationship between the highest temperature, lowest temperature, mean temperature and the largest stem height, fresh weight. Effect of precipitation on ratooning sugarcane is very significant in the emergence to stem elongation stage and the whole growth stage except the stem elongation to maturity stage. The effect prolonged or shortened sunshine hours during each growth stage is not obvious. However, in the emergence to stem elongation stage, the reduction of sunshine hours is more favorable for the growth of ratooning sugarcane because the environment becomes wetter.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
CHEN Yanli,DING Meihua,FENG Liping,MO Weihua,KUANG Zhaomin,2016.Characteristics of Meteorological Condition and Its Effects on Ratoon Sugarcane in Different Stages in Guangxi[J].Meteor Mon,42(12):1554-1559.
CHEN Yanli,DING Meihua,FENG Liping,MO Weihua,KUANG Zhaomin,2016.Characteristics of Meteorological Condition and Its Effects on Ratoon Sugarcane in Different Stages in Guangxi[J].Meteor Mon,42(12):1554-1559.