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(1.南京信息工程大学大气科学学院,南京 210044;2.中国气象局公共气象服务中心,北京 100081;3.南京信息工程大学大气科学学院,南京 210044)
Applicability of Estimation Methods of IEC WTGS Selecting Parameters in China
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投稿时间:2016-05-06    修订日期:2016-05-28
中文摘要: 国际电工委员会编制的《风力发电机组设计要求》(IEC 61400 1)推荐了针对风电机组安全等级评估的极端风速和湍流强度特征值估算方法,因其简单便捷,在风电领域被广泛采用。利用全国风能资源专业观测网的193座测风塔观测数据,对IEC推荐的极端风速计算方法与我国规范推荐的基于极值Ⅰ型概率分布方法进行比较,发现两种方法计算的193座塔70 m 高度层50年一遇10 min平均最大风速,仅有7座测风塔较为一致,差异在±1%;IEC推荐方法的计算结果多数偏小,其中偏小10%以上的测风塔有121座,偏小30%以上的有44座测风塔,而偏大10%以上的只有9座测风塔;IEC方法计算的极值风速大幅度偏小的测风塔主要分布在台风影响的东南沿海地区,偏差较小的测风塔主要分布在西北和华北地形平缓区域,但同时偏大10%以上的测风塔也多分布在这一地区。以目前行业领域普遍采用的以15 m·s-1风速的平均湍流强度作为风电机组选型指标,与严格按照规范,以15 m·s-1风速段所有样本湍流强度的90%分位数处的值作为指标进行风电机组等级确定作对比,发现193座塔中有46座塔的选型是不安全的,甚至相差两个等级。
Abstract:Estimation methods of extreme wind speed and turbulence intensity parameters for wind turbine classes recommended by IEC 61400 1 Ed.3: Wind turbines Part 1: Design Requirements are widely used in wind energy because of its simple and convenient features. Based on the observation data from 193 masts in the professional observation network of wind energy resource in China, we compare the extreme 10 min average wind speeds within a recurrence period of 50 years (V50) by IEC method and extremum Ⅰ distribution which is recommended in China, and obtain the following findings. First of all, there are only 7 masts where the values of V50 by the two methods is relatively consistent within ±1% deviation. Values of V50 by IEC method are generally smaller, and there are 121 masts with V50 lower than -10% and 44 masts with the value lower than -30%, while only 9 masts have the value higher than +10% all around the country. After that, masts with much smaller V50 by IEC method are mainly distributed in southeastern coastal areas affected by typhoon, while masts with small deviations are mainly distributed in the regions with flat terrain in the Northwest and North China, and the masts with deviation over 10% are also concentrated right here. Finally, 46 masts will go into errors if they are calculated only by characteristic indices of the mean turbulence intensity in 15 m·s-1 wind speed, compared to results by the 90% quantile for 15 m·s-1 wind speed.
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HUANG Linhong,SONG Lili,LI Gang,WANG Binglan,ZHANG Yongshan,2016.Applicability of Estimation Methods of IEC WTGS Selecting Parameters in China[J].Meteor Mon,42(12):1522-1530.