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投稿时间:2014-12-02 修订日期:2015-06-01
投稿时间:2014-12-02 修订日期:2015-06-01
中文摘要: 针对Local Analysis and Prediction System(LAPS)融合我国新一代多普勒雷达基数据时产生的资料空白问题,设计采用最大值和距离指数权重拼图方法来改进LAPS原有的最近邻居法,并且尝试通过最小二乘法来模拟静锥区的反射率值。试验结果表明,最大值法和距离指数权重法能够充分发挥多部雷达观测反射率的效能,有效地改善高仰角之间的资料空白现象,对静锥区也有一些的填补,特别是在对流层中层。最小二乘法拟合静锥区反射率试验取得了一定的效果,能够较好地拟合静锥区周围观测资料比较多的情况。该研究改善了LAPS同化国产多普勒雷达资料的能力,提高了多部雷达观测的利用效能,将会对LAPS分析产生积极的影响。
中文关键词: LAPS,反射率拼图,静锥区,最小二乘法
Abstract:This paper aims at the problem of data gap when Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) is merged with the raw data of new generation Doppler radar in China. Mosaic method of maximum value and distance index weights are designed for improving the original nearest neighbor algorithm in LAPS, and the reflectivity of “cone of silence” is simulated by the least square method. The results indicate that maximum value and distance index weight methods can make full use of multiple radar observed reflectivity, effectively improve the phenomenon of data gap between high elevations, and fill some grids in “cone of silence”, especially those in mid troposphere. The test of “cone of silence” reflectivity simulation by the least square method has certain effects and can simulate well the situation when observation data are enough around “cone of silence”. Thus, this research would improve the capacity of LAPS Doppler radar data assimilation, and the utilization efficiency of multiple radar observations, which would make positive effect on LAPS cloud analysis.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
韩成鸣 | 解放军理工大学气象海洋学院,南京 211101 空军装备研究院航空气象防化研究所,北京 100085 |
李耀东 | 空军装备研究院航空气象防化研究所,北京 100085 |
史小康 | 空军装备研究院航空气象防化研究所,北京 100085 |
HAN Chengming,LI Yaodong,SHI Xiaokang,2016.Improvement of Mosaic Method for LAPS Radar Reflectivity and Research on Filling Method for the “Cone of Silence”[J].Meteor Mon,42(3):322-329.
HAN Chengming,LI Yaodong,SHI Xiaokang,2016.Improvement of Mosaic Method for LAPS Radar Reflectivity and Research on Filling Method for the “Cone of Silence”[J].Meteor Mon,42(3):322-329.