(中国气象局上海台风研究所,中国气象局台风预报技术重点开放实验室,上海 200030)
Study on Similarity Retrieval Method for Ambient Field of Tropical Cyclones
(Key Laboratory of Typhoon Forecast Technique, Shanghai Typhoon Institute, CMA, Shanghai 200030)
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投稿时间:2012-09-10    修订日期:2012-12-13
中文摘要: 比较了欧氏距离、相似离度、相似系数、相关系数及最优相似系数等作为气象格点场相似性度量的适用性,结果发现以“距离”为主的算法无法准确地反映环境场中的一些特定系统的位置和强度,相似检索效果较差;而相似离度、相似系数、相关系数及最优相似系数可分别考虑两个场之间的形状和强度、空间分布及变化趋势,能找到较相似的场,可供业务参考。通过将不同指标检索到的相似环境场的演变对热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)路径的影响量引入到TC路径预报中,检验其业务应用效果,发现单纯移向的预报效果好于路径预报,路径预报中相似离度的效果稍好于其他方法,而移向预报中最优系数法最好。另通过相似环境场检索,能找到由相似环境场所对应的相似历史TC,并依据不同度量性指标得到一个历史相似TC集,为台风业务、科研提供参考。
Abstract:In this paper the suitability of Euclidean distance, similar disparity, similarity coefficient, correlation coefficient and best similarity coefficient used as a similarity measure in meteorological grid dataset is discussed. The results show that some special systems’ position and intensity cannot be expressed correctly by distance algorithm. But using similar disparity, similarity coefficient, correlation coefficient and best similarity coefficient, two meteorological grid datasets’ spatial distribution and the change trend are considered separately, so the similar ambient field can be found in the long history dataset, which can be applied in operation. In order to evaluate the similarity measures’ operational application, the similar ambient field corresponding to tropical cyclone (TC) track’s motion quantity is referenced in current source TC track forecast. The results show that 24 h moving direction forecast accuracy is better than that of 24 h track forecast and the similar disparity is better than other algorithm in track forecast, but the best similarity coefficient is better than other algorithm in moving direction forecast. By the query of similar ambient field, a similar TC ensemble corresponding to similar ambient field is found, which can be referenced in TC operational, forecast or research.
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LU Xiaoqin,YU Hui,ZHAO Bingke,2013.Study on Similarity Retrieval Method for Ambient Field of Tropical Cyclones[J].Meteor Mon,39(12):1609-1615.