(1.解放军理工大学气象海洋学院,南京 211101;2.卫星海洋环境动力学国家重点实验室,杭州 310012;3.解放军96631部队,北京 102208)
Evaluation of the New Cross Calibrated, Multi Platform Ocean Surface Wind Fields in the East China Sea Region
(1.Institute of Meteorology Oceanography, PLA University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 211101;2.State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics, Second Institute of Oceanography,State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou 310012;3.The 96631 Unit of PLA, Beijing 102208)
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投稿时间:2011-09-19    修订日期:2012-05-03
中文摘要: 对新的交叉定标多平台合成洋面风场资料(CCMP风场)的特点进行分析介绍,利用浮标和观测桩的时间序列资料和同期的卫星高度计探测资料,对东中国海海域范围内该风场的精度和特性进行了检验和评估并与欧洲中期天气预报中心再分析资料(ERA风场)和散射计探测混合风场资料(QuickScat/NCEP风场)进行对比分析。结果表明:CCMP风场在远海区域的精度较高,风速偏小;在近岸区域风速可能偏大,存在一定的局限性。在东中国海海域,较之ERA风场和QuickScat/NCEP风场,CCMP风场均方根误差最小;当实际风速较小时,三种资料的风速都偏大,偏度较小;当实际风速较大时,三种风场的风速都偏小,偏度较大;且三种资料的风速误差具有随季节变化的特征。
Abstract:The new Cross Calibrated, Multi Platform Ocean Surface Wind Velocity (hereafter,CCMP wind) products have been introduced, and the biases of CCMP wind fields are validated and evaluated against the wind measurements from satellite altimetry and in situ buoys. Furthermore, a comparison between CCMP wind fields and ERA Interim wind fields and QuickScat/NCEP wind fields is performed. The following conclusions can be drawn. The CCMP may have a negative mean speed difference in relation to the observations, and the best performance accurately occurs in open sea areas as well as a noticeable positive difference and trend in nearshore areas. In the East China Sea region, the CCMP has smaller absolute mean square errors and relative errors from the observed data compared with the ERA Interim wind fields and QuickScat/NCEP wind fields. The results have shown that the underestimation is mostly found for low wind speeds but overestimation for high wind speeds in these three kinds of wind fields, and a significant seasonal variation is also discussed.
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MAO Kefeng,CHEN Xi,LI Yan,XIAO Zhongle,ZHOU Kai,2012.Evaluation of the New Cross Calibrated, Multi Platform Ocean Surface Wind Fields in the East China Sea Region[J].Meteor Mon,38(12):1456-1463.