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投稿时间:2012-03-29 修订日期:2012-05-24
投稿时间:2012-03-29 修订日期:2012-05-24
中文摘要: 针对台风业务应用中发现FY 2D和FY 2E双星观测存在亮温差过大的问题,本文以2010年台风鲇鱼(Megi)为例,利用2010年10月17日1030—1230 UTC的FY 2D/E红外1通道数据,提出了双星亮温归一化的解决方法,结果如下:(1)采用CDF(Cumulative Distribution Function)匹配法对双星亮温进行归一化处理,可有效利用FY 2D和FY 2E双星观测结果。个例分析表明,经归一化处理以后,双星的PDF(Probability Distribution Function)分布更趋一致,甚至在很多地方出现重合,归一化效果良好。在台风定强分析,如ADT(Advanced Dvorak Technique)算法中,归一化处理可作为数据预处理的一部分内容,不影响后面的算法和流程。(2)以MTSAT为基准,经CDF匹配法对FY 2D和2E的 TBB分别进行归一化处理,将使得FY 2的亮温与MTSAT具有可比性,便于比较国内外的台风定强分析结果和算法差异。
中文关键词: 台风, CDF匹配法, 红外云顶亮温
Abstract:Since typhoon operational monitoring found a large difference of infrared cloud top temperatures (TBB) between geostationary FY 2D and FY 2E satellites in a region of overlap, it is necessary to find a solution to typhoon intensity estimation by using both FY 2D/E satellites. For this motivation, the cumulative distribution function (CDF) matching algorithm, which uses the 10.3-11.3 μ channel TBB of FY 2D/E, is introduced to solve the problem. Case study of typhoon Megi, which is chosen for testing the algorithm during 1030-1230 UTC 17 October 2010, shows results as below: (1) The CDF matching algorithm works well to reduce the difference of FY 2D/E TBB, and depicts more consistent distribution of the probability distribution function (PDF). When estimating typhoon intensity, the CDF matching algorithm can perform independently with satellite data before going step by step to the intensity estimation scheme. For example, the Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT) can directly use this normalized TBB as input data without any code modification. (2) Given MTSAT TBB as reference and FY 2D/E TBB as candidates, the CDF matching algorithm provides a normalized TBB of FY 2 D/E. Therefore, the typhoon intensity estimation by FY 2 D/E TBB only can be comparative with those from MTSAT, and this algorithm can also be checked.
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覃丹宇,李博,2012.FY 2双星亮温归一化及其在台风个例中的应用[J].气象,38(12):1449-1455.
QIN Danyu,LI Bo,2012.Matching FY 2 Dual Satellite Infrared Cloud Top Temperatures in Typhoon Monitoring Application[J].Meteor Mon,38(12):1449-1455.
覃丹宇,李博,2012.FY 2双星亮温归一化及其在台风个例中的应用[J].气象,38(12):1449-1455.
QIN Danyu,LI Bo,2012.Matching FY 2 Dual Satellite Infrared Cloud Top Temperatures in Typhoon Monitoring Application[J].Meteor Mon,38(12):1449-1455.