(国家气候中心,北京 100081)
Analysis of Features and Causation for Tropical Cyclone Activities over the Western North Pacific in 2010
(National Climate Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2011-03-03    修订日期:2011-05-31
中文摘要: 文章用热带气旋资料和NCAR/NCEP再分析资料等,对2010年西北太平洋和南海热带气旋活动特征进行分析,总结有五方面的特点:(1)编号最少,登陆比例最高;(2)生成时间集中,生成位置偏西;(3)强台风和短生命期热带气旋比例偏高;(4)初台偏晚,终台偏晚;(5)登陆前少后多,登陆地点相对集中。另外,还对热带气旋活动特征的成因进行了初步研究。结果表明:(1)东印度洋持续偏暖是导致编号热带气旋异常偏少的重要原因;厄尔尼诺事件的滞后影响也是重要外强迫因素之一。(2)大气环流异常是造成热带气旋活动异常的直接原因,表现在副热带高压偏强偏西,季风槽位置异常偏西,垂直风切变偏大等几方面因素的综合影响。
Abstract:Characteristics and causation for tropical cyclone (TC) activities over the Western North Pacific (WNP) and the South China Sea (SCS) in 2010 were analyzed by using the data of TCs, reanalysis data of NCEP/NCAR in this paper. TC activities are characterized by (1) forming the least, and the highest percentages of landing, (2) concentrated and westward genesis, (3) higher proportion of strong TCs and short life cycle TCs, (4) the later for the first TC and last TC, and (5) TC landing fewer in July-August and more than normal in September, 5 of 7 TCs landing on Fujian. The causes were studied and the results were listed as follows. Firstly, the warm mode in the East Indian Ocean in 2010 was one of the key extra forcing factors resulting in the least TC genesis in WNP and SCS in 2010, especially the lag response of extratropical atmosphere to El Nino. Secondly, the atmospheric circulation abnormity was the key reasons. It showed the combined impacts of multi factors including the larger and stronger Northwest Pacific subtropical high extending abnormally west, the abnormally westward monsoon trough and 1arge vertical shear anomalies.
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Author NameAffiliation
SUN Leng National Climate Centre Beijing 100081 
SUN Leng,2011.Analysis of Features and Causation for Tropical Cyclone Activities over the Western North Pacific in 2010[J].Meteor Mon,37(8):929-935.